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英语 关于名词性从句问题

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 15:27:14
英语 关于名词性从句问题
I gave her which she asked for.
为什么不能这么说?which 不是可以跟名词性从句的吗 为什么前面要加先行词,加了先行词不是定语从句了吗?
Hearing the sound,the animal disappeared into the bushes,after which Mrs.Stone pickd up her basket and ran all the way home.
英语 关于名词性从句问题
但I gave her which she asked for.这句话确实不正确.正确的写法有:(1)定语从句:I gave her a book that/which she asked for.(2) 宾语从句:I gave her what she asked for.
你错误的原因是对which 和 what理解有误.which 意思是“哪个”,前提是有多种选择.what意思是“什么” ,就所不知道的事询问具体信息.what /which 的区别:(1)what/which作疑问代词的区别:Which do you want for supper?(暗指在几种食物中作出选择)What do you want for supper?( 没有选择限制) (2)what/which作连词引导宾语从句的区别:I don’t know which is my book.(一堆书中哪本)I don’t know what the book is about.(书里写的什么,what 不能换成which)
关于第二个问题:which 引导非限定性定语从句,指代的是逗号前面的句子.例如:
She won the first prize,which made her family very happy.她获得了第一名,这件事让她的家人都很开心.
I will go to the library,after which I will go to the bank.( which 前加了介词不影响它指代的是逗号前面的句子.我会先去图书馆,在这之后我会去银行)
这句子还可改写为:I will go to the library.After that,I will go to the bank.(注意after前面逗号变成句号,才能用that,否则还是用which)
你问的句子也可改写为:Hearing the sound,the animal disappeared into the bushes.After that,Mrs.Stone pickd up her basket and ran all the way home.
再问: 那这句话对不对 in these two books ,I gave her which she asked for.
再答: 不对。give 的 直接宾语必须是具体的内容,不能是表示”选择哪一个“的which。但which可以做ask 的直接宾语,问喜欢哪一个。正确的句子有: (1)Of these two books, I asked her which she liked. (2) Of these two books, I gave her the one that she asked for . (3)Of these two books, I gave her one ---that's what she asked for.
再问: 就高考范围来讲,哪些词which可以做直接宾语,它们有什么共性
再答: ask , decide , determine , check, wonder, 等词, 共性是句子一般都会有个限定的范围,所接的宾语内容不确定。