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英语翻译The effect of cyclone geometry and operating conditions

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 13:24:13
The effect of cyclone geometry and operating conditions on spigot
capacity of dense medium cyclones
Dense medium cyclones separate particles primarily according to their differences in density,and are used in the beneficiation of coal,iron ore,and diamonds,amongst others.The cyclone can,however.be constrained by the ore carrying capacity of the spigot,especially for ores in which a significantly large proportion of the feed particles need exit through the sinks stream.Currently,the spigot capacities used in the sizing and selection process for dense medium cyclones are based mainly on those capacities provided by the original developers of the dense medium cyclone.Dutch State Mines(DSM).Further.it is not clear which parameters,other than the spigot diameter,have an influence on the spigot capacity of dense medium cyclones.
The influence of the cyclone geometry and operating conditions on the spigot capacity of dense medium cyclones was investigated,and parameters of importance in this regard were identified.An empirical model that quantifies the effect of the various parameters on the spigot capacity is presented in this paper.Furthermore,the spigot capacities determined experimentally in this study are compared with those given by DSM.
1 introduction
Dense medium cyclones separate particles primarily according to their difierences in density and have the ability to achieve sharp separations and high capacities at the same time.Typical applications of dense medium cyclones include the beneflciation of coal.iron ore,and diamonds,amongst others.A schematic diagram depicting the geometry of a cyclone is presented in Fig.l.The cyclone can,however,be constrained by the ore carrying capacity of the spigot.especially for ores in which a significantly large proportion of the feed particles exit through the sinks stream.These capacities are usually supplied by cyclone manufacturers.Currently,the spigot capacities used in the sizing and selection process for dense medium cyclones are based mainly on those capacities provided by the original developers of the
dense medium cyclone,
英语翻译The effect of cyclone geometry and operating conditions
飓风的影响几何和运行工况等因素对终止  稠密的介质中气旋的能力
  成  稠密的介质中气旋主要根据粒子分离不同材质的密度,并用于对煤、铁矿石、和钻石,在飓风会however.掏不受约束,由矿石承载能力,特别是对矿石的龙头,具有明显的大部分饲料微粒需要出境透过下沉流.目前,连忙能力用于尺寸和选择过程中气旋致密主要是根据那些能力由原始的开发商提供的三台机器自由作业稠密国家矿山中cyclone.Dutch(DSM).Further.it还不清楚的,除了连忙参数影响了直径,连忙稠密的介质中气旋的能力.
1介绍  稠密的介质中气旋主要根据他们粒子分离difierences在密度和有能力达到分离和高容量的锋利的应用在同一time.Typical稠密的介质中包括beneflciation coal.iron气旋的矿石,和钻石,在others.A几何的原理图描绘了旋风分离器内的流场,Fig.l.The飓风还可以,但是因矿承载能力为矿石的spigot.especially显著大部分饲料微粒出口通过水槽stream.These能力提供manufacturers.Currently通常是在飓风袭击,连忙能力用于尺寸和选择过程中气旋致密主要是根据那些能力由原始的开发商提供的  致密介质旋