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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 11:20:45
1. \x09---How many ________ in the tree?\x09---There are two.
\x09A. bird are there\x09B. birds is there\x09C. birds are there\x09D. birds are their
2.\x09Mr Smith can speak ________ Chinese, but not ________.
A. some; much\x09B. a little; many\x09C. some; any\x09D. little; much
3.\x09---Thanks a lot.\x09---_________.
\x09A. You are right\x09B. That’s right\x09C. That’s all right\x09D. All right
4. \x09---________ skirt is this?\x09---It’s ___________.
\x09A. Who’s; Lucy\x09B. Whose; Lucy’s\x09C. What; Lucy\x09D. Which; Lucy’s
5.\x09There are many apples on the table. Please give me some big _________.
A. apple\x09B. one\x09C. ones\x09D. the apples
6.\x09Mr Johnson usually goes to the hospital ________.
A. by his car\x09B. by the black car\x09C. by car\x09D. by the new car
7.\x09Does your brother play ping-pong __________?
A. on every afternoon\x09\x09B. every afternoon
C. in every afternoon\x09\x09D. at every afternoon
8.\x09________ do you usually come to school?
A. How\x09B. What\x09C. Which\x09D. How much
9.\x09Are we all in _________?
A. the same class\x09B. a same class\x09C. the same classes\x09D. same classes
10.\x09---Don’t you usually come to school by bike?
---_________. But I sometimes walk.
\x09A. Yes, I do\x09B. No, I don’t\x09C. Yes, I do\x09D. No, I don’t
11. Susan likes _______.
\x09\x09A. singing\x09B. sing\x09C. sings \x09D. sang
12. Some of ______ can speak English.
\x09A. them \x09B. theirs\x09C. they\x09D. their
13. What ____ Tom and his mother like ?
A. does \x09B. do\x09C. is\x09D. are
14. Where _____ your English teacher from?
A. does \x09B. is \x09C. do \x09D. are
15. Tom can ______ some vegetables at the market.
A. buys\x09B. buying\x09C. buy\x09D. to buy
16. Kate _____ Chinese ______ Monday.
A. have, on\x09B. has, in \x09C. has, on \x09D. there is, on
17. A bakery _____ cakes and bread.
\x09A. sell\x09B. buying\x09C. buy\x09D. sells
18. What’s your hobby? My hobby is ______ model plane.
A. makeing\x09B. make\x09C. making \x09D. made
19. Please fill _____ the form.
A. in \x09B. on\x09C. to. \x09D. with
20. The first class _______ at 8:00 am .
A. begin\x09B. is begin \x09C. begins\x09D. is beginning
21.\x09---_______ is the school library?
---It’s next to the playground.
\x09A. What\x09B. Where \x09C. How\x09D. When
22.\x09Is there a bank _______ your neighborhood?
A. in\x09B. on\x09C. with\x09D. to
23.\x09It’s interesting to take a walk through the _________.
A. hospital\x09B. library\x09C. park\x09D. river
24.\x09---It’s a place to get money. What is it?
---It’s a _______.
A. hotel \x09B. bank\x09C. home\x09D. park
25.\x09---Is there a library near where you live? ---____________.
A. Yes, there is.\x09B. No, there is.\x09C. Yes, it is.\x09D. No, it isn’t
26.\x09---What is the opposite of clean?
A. Small\x09B. Dirty\x09C. Large\x09D. Busy
27.\x09Which kind of animals have long legs and neck?
A. Pandas\x09B. Penguins\x09C. Giraffes.\x09D. dogs
28.\x09Do you ever play _________ pandas?
A. with\x09B. to \x09C. and\x09D. or
29.\x09He’d like ________ on a vacation.
A. go \x09B. to go\x09C. going\x09D. went
30.\x09Is there _______ in today’s newspaper?
A. important something\x09B. everything important
C. anything important\x09\x09D. important anything
31.\x09Her mother is ________ English teacher. She works in our school.
A. a \x09B. the\x09C. an\x09D. /
32.\x09They are going to help some farmers ___________ their work.
A. for\x09B. at\x09C. with\x09D. to
33.\x09_______ your uncle __________ his work?
A. Is, like\x09B. Does, like\x09C. Does, likes\x09D. Do, likes
34.\x09Young people like this season _____ it is good for sports.
A. because\x09B. so\x09C. but\x09D. and
35.\x09I don’t have __________ read, but I’d like __________.
A. any, a few\x09B. any, few\x09C. some, a little\x09D. any, a little
36.\x09---Can’t you hear __________? ---No, I can hear ___________.
\x09A. anything, nothing\x09\x09B. anything, anything\x09
\x09C. something, nothing\x09\x09D. something, something\x09
37.\x09---Did you go to the park on Sunday morning?
---________, I went there in the afternoon.
A. Yes\x09B. No\x09C. Sure\x09D. Sorry
38.\x09---You look tired.
---Oh, I studied _________ the math test.
A. on\x09B. at\x09C. for\x09D. in
39.\x09I had a ________ weekend. I did a lot of things. How tired I am!
A. free\x09B. busy\x09C. good\x09D. bad
40.\x09She often buys some CDs ___________ Sunday.
A. at\x09B. in\x09C. on\x09D. with
41.\x09An old friend of my sister’s always helps my brother and _____ with _____ English.
A. I, our\x09B. me, our\x09C. me, ourselves\x09D. me, my
42.\x09Wang Lin _______ very popular. He is the captain of the basketball team.
A. is \x09B. are\x09C. has\x09D. have
43.\x09She’s a little bit ________. She doesn’t like talking with others.
A. heavy\x09B. thin\x09C. quiet\x09D. nice
44.\x09I have new image and nobody ________ me.
A. see\x09B. sees\x09C. know\x09D. knows
45.\x09Do you know the boy ______ the funny glasses.
A. on\x09B. at\x09C. with\x09D. to
46.\x09Rita _______ long hair last week. But she has short hair now.
A. have\x09B. has\x09C. had\x09D. having
47.\x09I don’t think he’s so great, but my mom _________.
A. do \x09B. does\x09C. is \x09D. are
48.\x09Let’s _______. I want to buy a new T-shirt.
A. go swimming\x09B. go to the movies\x09C. go shopping\x09D. go to the beach
49.\x09My hat is black. It ________ a cat.
A. look like\x09B. looks like\x09C. like\x09D. likes\x09
50.\x09I like _______ chess. How about you?
A. play\x09B. playing\x09C. plays\x09D. played
51.\x09I have a new pair of shoes. ________ black and white.
A. It is \x09B. They are\x09C. These are\x09D. This is
52.\x09I like _________ very much. They are from Australia.
A. pandas\x09B. giraffes\x09C. koala bears\x09D. dolphins
53.\x09What would you like _______ your pizza?
A. on\x09B. in\x09C. from\x09D. to
54.\x09What is Mary like? She ________.
A. is medium height\x09\x09B. has curly hair
C. has a medium build\x09D. is funny
55.\x09I don’t like _________ weather because it’s too cold.
A. sunny\x09B. snowy\x09C. warm\x09D. hot
56.\x09What will you do ________ vacation?
A. on\x09B. in\x09C. to\x09D. of
57.\x09He _______ English very well.
A. tells\x09B. talks\x09C. speaks\x09D. says
58.\x09Tony is always late ________ school because he gets up ________ 7:00.
A. at, for\x09B. at, at\x09C. for, at\x09D. for, for
59.\x09I like fried chicken so I always think it is _________.
A. delicious \x09B. expensive\x09C. terrible\x09D. cheap
60.\x09I broke my leg yesterday ______ I didn’t run for exercise in the morning.
A. or \x09B. but\x09C. because\x09D. so
61.\x09He is friendly and most of his classmates like to discuss ______ him.
A. by\x09B. on\x09C. with\x09D. and
62.\x09---Yesterday, I watched a movie Harry Potter. I don’t love it. How about you?
--- I do too\x09B. I don’t too\x09C. I don’t either\x09D. I do either
63.\x09Tom studies at our school. He is a ________ boy.
A. fifteen-year-old\x09B. fifteen-years-old\x09C. fifteen year old\x09D. fifteen years old
64.\x09---Do you like to watch Hero?
---Yes. I enjoy ________ action movies.
A. watch\x09B. watches\x09C. to watch\x09D. watching
65.\x09They don’t have to _____ their school uniforms.
A. dress\x09B. have on\x09C. wear\x09D. put on
66.\x09Don’t watch TV _________ school nights.
A. at\x09B. in\x09C. /\x09D. on
67.\x09We can’t ________ late for class.
A. arrive in\x09B. arrive at\x09C. get to\x09D. arrive
68.\x09You can’t eat _____ outside.
A. at\x09B. /\x09C. in\x09D. on
69.\x09There are too _________ rules in the school.
A. many\x09B. much\x09C. a lot of\x09D. some
70.\x09Be home ________ 8 o’clock on Saturday.
A. by\x09B. to\x09C. on\x09D. in
71.\x09Students can’t _________ music in the hallways.
A. listen\x09B. hear\x09C. listen to \x09D. hear to
72.\x09________ at ten o’clock in the evening.
A. Go to bed\x09B. Goes to bed\x09C. Gets up\x09D. Get up
73.\x09A kid ______ breakfast every morning, because it’s good for his health.
A. have to \x09B. has to\x09C. has to have\x09D. has to has
74.\x09Don’t go into the classroom without the _________.
A. doctor\x09B. assistant\x09C. teacher\x09D. clerk
75.\x09She _______ this book last week.
A. read\x09B. reads\x09C. readed\x09D. is reading
76.\x09When _______ your birthday?
\x09A. is\x09B. was\x09C. were\x09D. are
77.\x09There are a lot of students in the classroom. Some are reading. ________ are writing.
\x09A. Other \x09B. The other C. another D. Others
78.\x09I have to leave here now. Can you take a photo _______ me?
\x09A. with \x09B. of \x09C. by \x09D. on
79.\x0913. It’s very cold in this room. Why don’t you _________ your coat?
\x09A. take off \x09B. wear \x09C. put on \x09D. take to
80.\x09--- Hello, ___________?\x09---This is Peter.
\x09A. What’s this? B. Who’s this? C. Who are you? D. What are you?\x09
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