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How are the guests seated when having a dinner in western co

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 10:23:02
How are the guests seated when having a dinner in western countries
How are the guests seated when having a dinner in western countries?
How are the guests seated when having a dinner in western co
L. should all the dishes are before the guest, the hostess motioned begins after dinner. In the hostess takes up her spoons or forks, guest not eat any kind of a dish. This is the habit of Western Europe, with some countries.
2 the napkin should spread in the knees. If the napkin, double leg should be stacked in, If small, can open all the way. Although can also napkin around the neck or in the chest, but is not square, so it's best not to do so. One can talk to wipe the napkin on the finger or oily be soiled, but should never use napkin wiping tableware.
3. You should sit with your body is not too forward, don't take put your arms acrossed on the table beside the guest to avoid a collision.
4 use forks and knives, should hand in hand with a fork and knife. Use forks, the right hand. Use a knife, not to the blade. Don't send the sword food entrance. Cutting should avoid knife cut in on a plaque. Eat noodles, can use fork to eat, don't pick up. Halfway down his knife and fork, should put your knife and fork is "8" glyph separately on the plate. If the forks, said after dinner together.
5. Take bread should use a hand to take, then put XiaoDie or by the edge of the grail, never use a fork to fork bread. Take the butter knife, not applied butter with individual knife. Butter to put out by XiaoDie, don't directly on the bread. Don't use the knife cut the bread, also do not put the bread and butter, but should be torn down a small, eat a coating.
When eating salad and only use a fork. Application point, right fork. If the salad at the same time on the bread and cookies, can use the left hand a bit of bread or biscuits, take on the salad fork.
7. Eat fish can use left hand, right hand bread knife pierced through. The population has barb, don't spit or directly into the pan, and should use fork after the catch, or person gently as possible by hand not attention, on the edge of the plate on the table, can't throw or underground. Fruit nuclear also should first vomit, add the plate.
8. To drink, the food should be first to swallow saliva. Don't rush your mouth water. When drinking with glass, attention should be paid to wipe the oily be soiled, lest his dirty cups.
9 don't will dine. Dishes chuai Drink soup can be tilted plate, then spoon feeding. Don't drink tea or coffee mug spoon in.
The dinner, especially the soup, don't make noise. Chew should shut up.
11. Don't blow your nose or hiccups table. If sneezing or coughing, should say sorry to the people around (go). If you play with spray will Bless you ", said: "you should have responded:" yes ".
12 at the table don't teeth. If there is something out of the tooth, will not cover mouth, best napkin etc absent without someone out again.
13. Dinner, always keep silence is not polite, should talk with one of the side. But don't speak to chew food. If someone is talking to you should swallow mouth after food. Conversation can not laid down his knife and fork, but do not take knife and fork in the air.
14 in the table, food is used to take knife and fork. Scoparone, fruit, fruit, candy and cookies and crips and bread to eat with your hands.
15 when the waiter for guest when serving, to your left, to take food. If the waiter standing on your right, don't take, it is your turn to the right of the guest take food. Take food, had better take everything that makes goodwife.
16 when the hostess asked for when you add food. You can put it together with the knife and fork dish together to her or to the waiter. If she ask you, you can ask more food, that's very impolite.
But some foods, such as table bread and butter and jam, pickles, dried fruit, candy, should stay goodwife proposal before feeding. Everyone turns to take food, male guest please his side's first female guest, or ask if she'd let you take some. A meal, can take over others. If you need something behind in others, should pass.
18 in CanBi, guest seat up from such goodwife together again after leaving with. In the end of the party in the dinner or leave before is not polite. Stand up, male guest should help women chair back to its place. Napkin on the table, not as fold, please leave unless the owner to eat meal.
DOn't eat too full. (maps over - Don't eat a greedy). (a glutton maps), DOn't eat too wide belt. (in maps loosen your belt up front guests are full.
4.使用刀叉时,应右手用刀,左手用叉.只用叉时,可用右手拿.使用刀时,不要将刀刃向外.更不要用刀送食物入口.切肉应 避免刀切在瓷盘上发出响声.吃面条时,可以用叉卷起来吃,不要挑.中途放下刀叉,应将刀叉呈“八”字形分别放在盘子上.如果把刀叉放在一起,表示用餐完毕.
11.不要在餐桌前擤鼻涕或打嗝.如果打喷嚏或咳嗽,应向周围的人道对不起(Excuse me).假如你忍不住打了喷涕,对方会说:"Bless you " 你应该回应:" Thank you.".
不要吃太饱.( DOn't over-eat)也不要做个贪吃的人.( Don't be a glutton.)吃太饱时,不要当众宽裤带.( Don't loosen your belt in front of guests when you are full.)