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是十 句有关苦尽甘来的句子组成的一段话

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 05:21:59
是十 句有关苦尽甘来的句子组成的一段话
是十 句有关苦尽甘来的句子组成的一段话
1 泪水背后是微笑.(或译:苦尽甘来.)
Every tear has a smile behind it.
2 艰苦的时光终将过去,坚强的人必将苦尽甘来.
Tough times never last but tough people do.
3 辛勤工作好几年后,琼斯先生终于可以苦尽甘来了.
After years of hard work,Mr.Jones is finally living on easy street
4 丹·卡彭特说,“丹尼·詹姆斯的出生意味着苦尽甘来.
"Danny James," says Dan Carpenter," represents triumph over adversity.
5 我感觉很好!我感觉太棒了!我是第一的!“”不要害羞,试试吧!“苦尽甘来”!
I feel good!I feel great!I'm number one!"" Don't be shy,just try!" "Pain past is pleasure!"
6 六个月没有上场比赛简直是灾难,不过我会把这些时间弥补回来的.毕竟苦尽甘来嘛.
Not playing for six months was damaging,but now I hope to make up for lost time.After something negative there is always a positive slant.
7 请给自己一个微笑,苦尽甘来,用微笑告诉自己,阳光总在风雨后,在失败的背后,也隐藏着成功的辉煌.
Please give himself a smile,with a smile telling myself,the total in the wind and rain the sun after the failure of the back,but also hidden the brilliant success.
8 上帝在关上一扇门的时候也会同时为他打开另一扇门,虽然这个过程可能会给他带来伤害,但是事实上总会苦尽甘来的.
Closes the gate,from the bottom waited for,the world only opens for him.Perhaps the process has the injury,actually still believed after the bitter comes the sweet.
9 温柔的爱,尽管姗姗迟来,我们的心中充满愉快;相思的感情,尽管在梦中相逢,我们心心相映;杏花美酒,苦尽甘来,我们要对饮味的香浓!
Tender love,although the SAN SAN,our heart to be filled with joy,In spite of the feelings of love,dreamt,our heart set,A knop and sunshine,we must wine to drink taste fragrant!
10 但我有自己的价值观,尽管经历了那么多的痛苦,我相信在这样一家俱乐部总有苦尽甘来的时候.
But I have my own values and I realised that,despite all the suffering,good things always end up happening at this Club.