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英语翻译(16) There is a lack of knowledge and skills in regard t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 07:23:34
(16) There is a lack of knowledge and skills in regard to the PMS.If organizational
members lack the understanding and the skills required to work with the new
PMS,for instance because they have received insufficient training in the
workings of the system,then thePMS will either not be used properly or not at all.
(17) The KPIs are not linked to departmental,team and individual responsibilities.If
KPIs are not linked to specific responsibility areas,there are no organizational
members that are or feel responsible for the results on these indicators.This
causes the PMS to be irrelevant for steering purposes and therefore
organizational members will not use it.
(18) It is difficult to define relevant KPIs.If the organization has difficulty defining
KPIs and if it does not gets help to overcome this difficulty,then organizational
members might simply give up because too much effort is required.In addition,
they might not trust that the resulting KPIs will be the most relevant ones
because they doubt the quality of the defined factors.
(19) There are too many KPIs defined.If there are too many KPIs,organizational
members are not able to see “the forest because of the trees”.There is an
overload of information and there is not enough time to adequately work on
each indicator.
(20) The organization measures the wrong KPIs.The organization measures KPIs
that have been poorly designed and defined.As they are not relevant they are
not used or used in the wrong way by organizational members.
(21) There is too much focus on the results of the implementation,while the change
process of the organization is ignored.To make a PMS a success not only the
will affect the performance on the organization’s objectives.
(25) The organization does not have a performance management culture.If the
organization does not have a culture which is focused at all times on achieving
results and continuous improvement,the PMS will not be used (enough) by
organizational members for achieving better performance.
(26) The PMS is not used for the daily management of the organization.If
performance information from the PMS is not used in the daily management of
the organization,for example for reviewing,analyzing and discussing the
results achieved on CSFs and KPIs,corrective action is not taken (enough or in
time) resulting in not achieving the targets of the organization.
(27) The PMS is not regularly updated and maintained after implementation.If the
PMS is not kept current and actual in order to stay aligned with changing
circumstances,i.e.with relevant CSFs and KPIs that measure and track the
current organizational strategy and responsibility areas of organizational
members,it looses it relevance for organizational members because it does not
give them the right performance information to act upon.This will eventually
result in abandonment of the system.
英语翻译(16) There is a lack of knowledge and skills in regard t