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英语翻译When I visited the Netherlands last year,my first impres

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 22:33:33
When I visited the Netherlands last year,my first impression was that it was all good to be true:a country where everyone is satisfied?So,knowing that young people everywhere are gifted social critics,I sought out some university students and ignored what issues young people were concerned about.I was stunned to learn that main problem students there see is with employment .In a country that’s made good work conditions an priority,this came as a real surprise.Even more stunning was the fact that it wasn’t unemployment that these students were worried about----it was a shortage of highly paid management positions available to fresh university graduates.As the student expressed their resentment toward the old generation for “talking up all the good jobs” and their bitterness over the though of struggling to make ends meet on an entry-level salary,I couldn’t help looking back on my own early employment experiences.I had graduated with honors from a good school,but my first job was doing door-to-door market research for a salary that just barely allowed me to get by.For some reason I never resented that---- or doubted that I’d ultimately end upwith a better job.I simply accepted that a young person who was just starting out would have struggle a bit at first.I didn’t assume that my university education gave me the right to expect special treatment.I thought my university education was a special privilege.
英语翻译When I visited the Netherlands last year,my first impres
When I visited the Netherlands last year,my first impression was that it was all good to be true:去年我第一次去荷兰的时候,我对这个国家的第一印象是它号得都不像真的 a country where everyone is satisfied?这个国家的每个人都对自己的生活感到满意So,knowing that young people everywhere are gifted social critics,I sought out some university students and ignored what issues young people were concerned about.我向来知道无论什么地方的年轻人都是天生的批评家,所以我就深入到大学里,去询问学生,而且对他们感兴趣的话题一概不提.I was stunned to learn that main problem students there see is with employment .我惊奇地发现他们关注的主要问题就是就业In a country that’s made good work conditions an priority,this came as a real surprise.在一个把提供良好的工作条件当做一件要事来抓的国家,这项发现无疑会让人感到惊讶Even more stunning was the fact that it wasn’t unemployment that these students were worried about----it was a shortage of highly paid management positions available to fresh university graduates.而更让人惊讶的是,学生们担心的并不是无法就业,而是提供给刚刚走出校园的大学生的高薪管理职位太少了.As the student expressed their resentment toward the old generation for “talking up all the good jobs” and their bitterness over the though of struggling to make ends meet on an entry-level salary,I couldn’t help looking back on my own early employment experiences.听着这些学生抱怨老一辈的人所说的那些好工作根本就是空谈,还有他们讲述自己如何用微薄的薪水保持收支平衡时愤愤不满的口气,我不禁想起了我刚开始工作时的经历I had graduated with honors from a good school,but my first job was doing door-to-door market research for a salary that just barely allowed me to get by.我是一所名牌大学的优秀毕业生,而我所做的第一份工作竟然是挨家挨户地做市场调查,薪水也只是勉强够用For some reason I never resented that---- or doubted that I’d ultimately end upwith a better job.但不知为何,我从未对此感到不满,也从未认定自己找不到更好的工作 I simply accepted that a young person who was just starting out would have struggle a bit at first.我只是觉得每个初出茅庐的年轻人总会在最开始的时候经历一些磨练I didn’t assume that my university education gave me the right to expect special treatment.我也没想当然地认为一纸文凭会给我带来额外恩惠I thought my university education was a special privilege.相反我认为能接受高等教育已经是一种恩赐了.