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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 08:05:14
比如说 from among ,up to ,from behind ,from within 等等 怎么在字典中查不到呢 我用的是朗文和牛津 比如说 from among 和from within 就查不到
介词是英语中随处可见的语言现象,它使得语言表达清楚而凝练.双重介词的使用更加深了这种语言表达效果.双重介词对于 操母语者或许是司空见惯的事情,但对于我们英语学习者来说,则需要引起足够的注意.
  1.That is a force pushing outwards from inside the moon.那是一种从月球内向外推的力.
  2.The National Games attracted many athletes and reporters from throughout the country.本届全运会吸引了来自全国各地的运动员和记者.
  3.Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A.,like Spring Festival in China,brings families back together from across the country.像中国春节一样,美国的感恩节是家人从全国各地团聚在一起的节日.
  4.The monkey suddenly emerged from behind the tree,frightening Lucy into screaming.猴子突然从树后出现,露茜吓得尖叫起来.
  5.Mom said that she would not allow me to buy a new computer unless the price dropped to below 2000 yuan.妈妈说除非计算机降到2000元以下,否则就不允许我买.
  6.In between the chores,Jim managed to spend 50-60 hours a week working at the computer or doing reporting for the freelance articles he sells to magazines.趁做家务活的闲暇时间,吉姆每周抽出50至60小时做一些电脑工作,或者以自由记者的身份写一些报道,投给杂志社.
  7.Except for the few who have failed their examinations,all the students in the hall are in very high spirits.大厅里,除了几个考试不及格的学生外,其他学生的情绪极佳.
  8.Up to her fourth birthday,the baby slept in a crib.这孩子4岁前一直睡有围栏的童床.
  9.Up until last summer we always went to the beach for our vacation.去年夏天以前,我们总是去海边度假.
  10.That he was determined to study medicine dated from before the war.他立志学医始于战前.