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我想要迪士尼10位公主的英语介绍 初一水平 不要故事 简介

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 11:24:32
我想要迪士尼10位公主的英语介绍 初一水平 不要故事 简介
如:姓名 身份 性格特点 颜色(眼睛等) 衣着 家庭组成 等 (配中文)【分开介绍】
详情见百度百科, 请翻译为英文
我想要迪士尼10位公主的英语介绍 初一水平 不要故事 简介
Snow White is a young and beautiful little
princess, her beautiful and elegant young soft-spoken , good man , full of love
for her friends . She is a real princess . Her beauty was viciously jealous
stepmother , she fled the palace , in the forest and the Seven Dwarfs become
friends. Because of her simple , unfortunately stepmother's poison apple
poisoned . But it is precisely because of her pure and lovely , winning friends,
won a small forest animals friendship , the most important thing is to win the
love of their own Prince Charming , Prince kiss her a happy ever after happy
life.贝儿:贝儿她天生丽质,纯真自然,还是一位聪颖殷切的好学者。对遥远的城堡和激动人心的冒险有着一份渴望。她最喜欢的娱乐活动是读书。虽然身边不乏追求者,可是贝儿仍然觉得自己在期待着真命天子的到来。当野兽俘虏了贝儿的父亲以后,她甘愿用自己的自由来换取父亲的生命;贝儿用自己的善良和聪明发现了野兽身上的许多闪光点,最后发现自己竟然爱上了他。凭着内心的坚韧和美丽的外貌,就在她吻下野兽的瞬间,奇迹发生了,野兽变成了英俊的王子,两人翩翩起舞,实现她完美的梦想。Belle her natural beauty, pure natural , or an
intelligent ardent good scholar. On the distant castle and exciting adventures
with a desire. Her favorite recreation is reading. Although there is no lack of
suitors around , but still find themselves in Belle looking forward to the
arrival of Mr. Right . When the beast captured Belle 's father , she willing to
use their freedom in exchange for his father's life ; LaBelle with their own
kind, smart and found a bright spot in many beasts , and finally found that he
was in love with him . With inner tough and beautiful appearance , in the moment
she kissed under the beast , a miracle happened , the beast into a handsome
prince , they dance, to achieve her perfect dream.茉莉公主是苏丹王的女儿,聪明,有主见(或许有些反叛),勇敢(却有点孤独)的美丽公主。她万分不愿意依照法律的规定在即将到来的生日前结婚,她需要是一个和她一样聪明勇敢的人。在拒绝了一个又一个求婚者以后,她遇到了街头流浪汉阿拉丁并深深地喜欢上了他。有趣的是,阿拉丁为了追求茉莉公主,假扮成一个王子,而至到他终于展现本色,茉莉公主终于找到了自己深爱的那个人Princess Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan
, intelligent , assertive ( perhaps some rebel ) , courage ( was a bit lonely )
beautiful princess. She was extremely reluctant to follow the law before the
birthday in the upcoming wedding , she needs is a wise and courageous people
like her . In the rejected one after another suitor , she encountered a street
tramp Aladdin and deeply in love with him. Interestingly, the pursuit of
Princess Jasmine Aladdin , disguised as a prince, but to finally show his true
colors , Princess Jasmine finally found his beloved man。先这些吧!!!
再问: 你继续写吧!写完采纳你的!