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英语翻译physical|definition|mental|emotion|stress|recover1.A per

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 16:27:12
1.A person with a healthy mind is( )healthy.
2.Peter was sick,but now he's better.He( )quickly.
3.I always eat when I'm feeling( ).
4.( )support is a kind of help that a friend can give.Examples are giving advice,spending time with someone,or listening.
5.A person who doesn't get colds or flu is probably( )healthy.
6.In this dictionary"reality"is( )as"the state of things as they are,rather than as they are imagined to be.
英语翻译physical|definition|mental|emotion|stress|recover1.A per
1 mentally 一个有着健康思想的人,我们就说他是头脑健全的
2 recovers 皮特病了,但现在他好多了,他康复的很快
3 stressful 压力大的时候,我总是喜欢吃东西
4 Emotional 情感上的帮助,是朋友给予的.例如提供建议,与某人呆在一起,或者倾听
5 physically 一个人如果不感冒,也不会感染病毒,那么他可能身体很健康
6 defined 在字典里,"真实”这个词语被这样定义:事物本来的状态,而不是它们被想象出来的样子