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英语周报 2014-2015学年 第6期 总第3250期

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 15:25:25
英语周报 2014-2015学年 第6期 总第3250期
英语周报 2014-2015学年 第6期 总第3250期
Book 5 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 DBCAA 6-10 ADACB
11-15 DBCAA 16-20 BCDBA
21-25 CDDBA 26-30 CDCAB
31-35 DCABD 36-40 BACAC
41-45 BBCBC 46-50 ADAAB
51-55 DGEAF
56. The carbon monoxide (in their house).
57. Because she knew they were still in danger.
58. When he understood Shelby’s unusual behaviour.
59. They would have died.
60. She felt very proud.
61. What I want to give back ... 去掉back
62. ... but neither of them ... but → since / because
63. My father works hardly ... hardly → hard
64. ... spent most of his time ... spent → spending
65. ... bury herself in her books. bury → buries
66. Therefore, all of them ... all → both
67. ... thanks for them. for → to
68. ... they can get relaxing ... relaxing → relaxed
69. ... make more friends here. here → there
70. ... take care their health. their前加of
One possible version:
American Dreams in China was directed by Peter Chen (Chen Kexin), a famous director inHong Kong. Three popular Chinese actors named Huang Xiaoming, Tong Dawei and Deng Chao play important roles in this film, which has attracted lots of young audience.
This film is set in the 1980s inChina, lasting more than twenty years. Three young men from different backgrounds become good friends in the university. They work hard to achieve their common dream, although they meet lots of difficulties. Eventually they establish a famous English training school which turns out to be a great success.
This film was a hit as soon as it was shown inChina. The three men’s spirit of never giving up their dream has encouraged us in our studies and careers.
1. D.play a trick on sb. 意为“捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧”;be in the mood for sth. 意为“有心情做某事”.
2. B.resemble 意为“与∙∙∙∙∙∙相似”,一般不用于被动语态和进行时,又因“说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈”描述的是一般情况,故用一般现在时.
3. C.题意:当老师问起她缺席的事情时,萨莉编造了(made up)一个精彩的故事.take up 站好位置以备∙∙∙∙∙∙;give up 放弃;pick up 捡起.
4. A.设空处引导非限制性定语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,故选where.
5. A.have (no) connection with 是固定短语,意为“与∙∙∙∙∙(∙ 没)有联系”.
6. A.solve 与the problems 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且由后面的the manager allowed all of us to have a day off 可知,solve表示的动作已经完成,故选solved.
7. D.suggest 作“ 建议”讲时,后接动词-ing形式.
8. A.finish 与句子主语we 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且finish 表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故用动词-ing 形式的完成式.
9. C.由后一分句句意“其次,我们没有足够的时间”可知,前一分句意为“首先(To start with),我们没有钱”.as a result结果;to be honest老实说;as usual照常.
10. B.Hang on a minute 常用于接电话,意为“稍等一会儿”.
11. D.12. B.总览全文可知,作者主要讲述了当今的孩子们面临着和大人们一样的压力.由此可知,第一段两句话之间是转折关系,所以分别填But 和similar.
13. C.本文主要讲述了当今社会孩子们被迫快速成长的问题.culture 在此可以指当今的这种社会文化.
14. A.由上文的children are forced to grow up too quickly 可知,孩子们“迫于压力(pressured)”在会走路之前就得学习认字和数数.
15. A.由第三段内容可知,这种做法会产生“严重的(serious)”后果.
16. B.由sleep disorders 和Suicide and depression 可知,这些都是成年人出现的“问题(problems)”.
17. C .once limited to ... 是与have found their way into the child's community相对应的.与child 相对的是adults.
18. D.由in their eagerness to bring up an academic prodigy 可知,许多家长力图“创造(create)”超级孩子.
19. B.由上文的making them overly competitive和下文的many parents often raise an underachiever 可知,此处表示转折关系,故填However.
20. A.21. C.当这些孩子“未能(fail)”达到父母的期待值的时候,他们会变得很“沮丧(discouraged)”,以至于没有好的表现.
22. D.当孩子们感到他们的表现和他们“得到(receive)”的爱相关的时候,他们会承受巨大的压力.
23. D.由本段内容可知,当孩子们不“成功(successful)”的时候,会感到愧疚、伤心.
24. B.上文一直在讲述孩子们匆忙的童年,所以本句的意思为:我们应该怎样避免“催促(hurrying)”孩子们度过童年呢?
25. A.由上文的Remember that play is an important part of childhood 可知,这里是说:玩耍是“必要的(needed)”,它能够让孩子们减少压力,激发他们的创造力,使他们享受到快乐.
26. C.由上文的Parents shouldn't turn play into work 可知,这里是说:家长不要试图在孩子们玩耍的时候“ 教(teach)”他们.
27. D.结合上文内容可知,这里是说:孩子就是孩子,不要给他们太多的压力,故填children.
28. C.总览全文可知,本段为结论部分,故填In short.
29. A.联系全文大意可知,这里是说:童年应当受到“尊重(respected)”.
30. B.孩子们有权享有他们的“童年(childhood)”.
31. D.数字计算题.由Retail Sales 一节中的This type of work can pay from $10 to $15 an hour 可知,作为一名零售人员你在两个小时内至少可以挣到二十美元,故选D项.
32. C.细节理解题.由Babysitter 一节中的This is a great choice for teens who wish to make a career in teaching 可知,C项为正确答案.
33. A.词义猜测题.由下划线部分后面的 hotels are often looking for more housekeeping staff, and parks often need more people 可知,对旅游业来说夏季意味着业务量的增长,故选A项.
34. B.推理判断题.由文章首段中的The first summer job 和a method for earning money 以及文中介绍相关工作的几个小标题可知,本文主要介绍了适合青少年在夏季从事的几类兼职工作,故选B项.
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了小说家儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne)的两部作品及其相关信息.
35. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的In 1863, the great novelist Jules Verne wrote a novel calledParis in the Twentieth Century 和he arranged to have it published in 1994 可知,D项说法正确.
36. B.段落大意题.文章第三段主要介绍 了《从地球到月球》一书的相关细节,故选B项.
37. A.推理判断题.由文章首段中的the great novelist Jules Verne 和最后一段中的Verne often turned to scientists 等相关信息可知,Jules Verne 对写作和科学都有浓厚的兴趣,故选A项.
38. C.标题归纳题.本文主要介绍了Jules Verne 的两部科幻小说并对其之所以能够作出如此准确预测的原因进行了简单的分析,故C 项作为标题最恰当.
本文是记叙文.作者在文中主要介绍 了Rush Limbaugh 在广播主持这条道路上不断追求的经历.
39. A.推理判断题.由第一段中Tom Leathers 所说的Limbaugh was nothing special. He did not have that powerful personality you hear now. He was painfully shy 可知,当时Limbaugh 的主持风格并没有吸引力,故选A项.
40. C.细节理解题.Rush Limbaugh 先上大学,后来成为一名公关助理,五年后在堪萨斯城的一家广播电台成了一名脱口秀节目主持人,随后一年又就职于San Diego radio station,2001 年患上听力障碍并进行了手术,故选C项.
41. B.推理判断题.Rush Limbaugh 自始 至终坚持自己的追求,经过不懈的努力最终成为一名很受欢迎的电台节目主持人.他的故事告诉我们这样一个道理:有志者,事竟成.
42. B.主旨大意题.本文主要介绍了 Rush Limbaugh 在广播主持这条道路上 不断追求的经历,故选B项.
43. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的each of these books will mainly pass on nutritional messages可知,C项说法正确.
44. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中作者所 说的the company is trying to spread the message of nutrition while it is serving food that is anything but healthy 可知,本文作者认为麦当劳的开心乐园餐对儿童健康无益,故选B项.
45. C.推理判断题.由文章第四段的Fatty and sugary foods such as those in McDonalds’ Happy Meals are believed to play a big role in growing health problems such as obesity and diabetes ... 可知C项正确.
46. A.写作目的题.本文主要针对麦当劳 的开心乐园餐是否有益健康进行了探讨,故选A项.
本文是说明文.儿童长时间观看3D电 影是否对其视力发育有不利影响,作者就此谈论了现阶段人们对于3D技术的认识.
47. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的3-D technology made its first appearance on the scene in 1838 可知,3D 技术已经有 将近两百年的历史了,故选D项.
48. A.段落大意题.由第二段中的to make 3-D effects you must find a way to project two slightly different pictures to each eye 以及后面的分析可知,本段主 要介绍3D效果的呈现原理,故选A项.
49. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的Researchers will have to wait until 3-D TV technology is already in the marketplace for a number of years, then check heavy 3-D TV watchers and compare them with non-watchers 可知,A项说法正确.
50. B.写作目的题.儿童长时间观看3D 电影是否对其视力发育有不利影响,作者就此谈论了现阶段人们对于3D技术的认识,故选B项.
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了斯里兰卡为保护小象而设立的一个保护区——the Elephant Transit Home.
1. A.推理判断题.由第一段中的large areas of trees are being turned into farmland,... elephants are being driven out of their habitats 和an increased number of uncontrollable events between elephants and humans 可知,这些变化最终会引发人类与大象之间的一些不和,故选A项.
2. B.细节理解题.由第三段内容可知,保护区采取多种不同的方式照顾小象,故选B项.
3. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的Foster parents can name their elephants 可知A项说法正确.
4. C.段落大意题.文章最后一段主要介绍了生活在ETH 的小象今后的去向问题,故选C项.
5. D.标题归纳题.本文主要介绍了斯里兰卡为保护小象而设立的一个保护区——the Elephant Transit Home,故选D项.