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有个故事儿子出生没耳朵,母亲把自己的给了儿子.叫什么名字是不是叫A GIFT OF LOVE?能否提供英文原文?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 12:40:29
有个故事儿子出生没耳朵,母亲把自己的给了儿子.叫什么名字是不是叫A GIFT OF LOVE?能否提供英文原文?
有个故事儿子出生没耳朵,母亲把自己的给了儿子.叫什么名字是不是叫A GIFT OF LOVE?能否提供英文原文?
Can I see my baby?”
“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked.
When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out the tall hospital window. The baby had been born without ears.
Time proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect. It was only his appearance that was marred. When he rushed home from school one day and flung himself into his mother’s arms, she sighed, knowing that his life was to be a succession of heartbreaks.
He blurted out the tragedy. “A boy, a big boy...called me a freak.”
He grew up, handsome for his misfortune. A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift, a talent for literature and music.
“But you might mingle with other young people,” his mother reproved him, but felt a kindness in her heart.
The boy’s father had a session with the family physician... “Could nothing be done?”
“I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears, if they could be procured,” the doctor decided. Whereupon the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice for a young man.
Two years went by. One day, his father said to the son, “You’re going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it’s a secret.”
The operation was a brilliant success, and a new person emerged. His talents blossomed into genius, and school and college became a series of triumphs.
Later he married and entered the diplomatic service. One day, he asked his father, “Who gave me the ears? Who gave me so much? I could never do enough for him or her.”
“I do not believe you could,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you are not to know...not yet.”
The years kept their profound secret, but the day did come. One of the darkest days that ever pass through a son. He stood with his father over his mother’s casket. Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to reveal the mother had no outer ears.
“Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut,” his father whispered gently, “and nobody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?”
小家伙被裹得严严实实的,只露出一张皱巴巴的小脸,眯缝着的小眼睛、粉嘟嘟的小鼻子,宛如天使.玛丽慢慢把裹着婴儿的包裹解开,想把亲爱的宝贝看个仔细.很快, 一个小小的脑袋完全展现出来了.她爱怜地抚摩这孩子的胎发,亲吻着孩子的脸蛋.病房里洋溢着幸福的味道.只是,玛丽的丈夫悄悄地背过了脸去.