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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 19:42:27
allow 1、允许,They ~ed her to go the party.他们允许她去参加那个聚会.
2、供给,He ~s his son ten dollars a month.他每月给儿子10美元.
3、容许,The face ~ no other rxpiaination.这些事实不容许另做解释.
beat 1、冲击,Waves ~ the shore.波浪冲击岸边.
2、打败,She ~ her brother at tennis.她打网球赢了她弟弟.
3、(心、脉)跳动,The herat ~s fast.心跳得快.
carry 1、运送 ,The goods will be carried by lorry to London.这些货物将用卡车运往伦敦.
2、携带 ,This bag carries easily. 这种包便于携带.
3、传播, Many diseases are carried by insects.许多疾病都是通过昆虫传播的.
delay1、延期,~ a party.延期举行聚会.
2、推迟,I have to ~ answering the letter.我只得推迟复信.
3、耽搁,Don't ~.别耽搁.
engage 1、使从事于,He is ~d in business.他从事商业.
2、使订婚,Tom is ~d to Anne汤姆和安妮订婚了.
3、担保,That's all I can ~ for.我所能担保的仅此而已.
follow 1、跟随,He ~ed her up the stairs.他跟她上了楼梯.
2、沿着...前进,Follow this road to the birdge.沿着这条路走到桥头.
3、因...而起,Because a man is rich,it doesn't thathe is happy.人并不因为有钱而拥有幸福.
give 1、送给, Please ~ it to Tom.把这个给汤姆.
2、花费,I will ~ five dollars for it.我花了5美元买下了它.
3、交给,~ me your bag.把你的包给我吧.
head 1、头部,Tom hitted Anne's ~.汤姆在打安妮的头.
2、朝某个方向前进,we are ~ing home.我们正朝家走.
3、才智,Please use your ~.请用你的头脑.
invite 1、邀请,we ~d all our relatives.我们邀请了所以的亲戚.
2、吸引,The clam water ~d us to swim.这平静的湖水吸引我们去游泳.
3、自找,Recklessness ~s disaster.粗心大意招致灾难.
laugh 1、笑,The joke made everyone ~.那个笑话使每个人都笑了.
2、嘲笑,Don't ~ at a person who is in trouble.不要嘲笑处于困难中的人.
3、用笑声来表达,She ~ed her disrespect.她用笑声表达她的蔑视.
know 1、知道 I don't ~ where he lives.我不知道他住在哪里.
2、认识 ~ truth through practice.通过实践认识真理.
3、经历 He has ~n both grief and happiness.他经历过悲伤和幸福.
knock 1、打击 He gives the enemy a hard ~.他给了敌人沉重的打击.
2、打,钉 ~ the nail in with a hammer.用锤子把钉子钉进去.
3、敲 Please ~ at the door before entering.在进来之前请敲门.
stamp 1、跺脚 We ~ed about to keep our feet warm.我们来回跺脚,让脚暖和些.
2、邮票 He forgot to put the a ~ on the envelope. 他忘了在信封上贴邮票.
3、盖章于 Please ~ all the letters with the date.请在所有的信上盖上日期.
squeeze 1、压榨 Mother ~ing an orange.妈妈在榨橘子汁.
2、挤进 He ~d himself into the train.他挤进了火车里.
3、紧握 He gave her hand a ~.他紧紧握了握她的手.
speed 1、迅速前进 I saw a car ~ing away.我看见一辆车急驰而过.
2、速度 We were travelling at a ~ of thirty miles an hour.我们以每小时30英里的速度在行驶.
3、使加速 I shall be late unless I ~up.要是不加快速度,我就要迟到了.
succeed 1、成功 This experiment has ~ed.这个实验成功了.
2、接替 Who ~ed Mr.Bush as president?谁来接替布什先生出任总统?
3、继续 Night ~s day.夜以继日.
select 1、挑选 A ~ group of media influentials.一群经过挑选的媒介巨头.
2、选择 She ~ed a white silk dress for the party.为参加宴会她选了一件白色的丝绸装.
3、选拔 Coaches in school hold games ~ed excellent students attend national team.教练们在学校里举行比赛选拔优秀的学生加入国家队.
suffer 1、遭受 The factory ~ed a great loss.工厂遭受了重大损失.
2、受苦 He ~ed for his carelessness.他因粗心而受苦.
3、容忍 I'll ~ this rudeness no longer!我再也受不了这种粗暴无礼了.
produce1、生产 Australia ~s wool.澳大利亚盛产羊毛.
2、取出 She ~d a comb out of the drawer.她从抽屉里取出一把梳子.
3、导致 Hard work ~s success.努力工作可导致成功.
powder 1、药粉 Please take a ~ every morning.请每天早上服一包药粉.
2、洒粉于 The leaves were ~ed with dust.树叶上积着灰尘.
3、给..擦粉 John ~ed the baby after its bath.婴儿洗澡后,约翰帮他擦上了爽身粉.
pass 1、通过 The bill ~ed by a narrow squeak.议案勉强通过了.
2、度过 How will you ~ your holiday?你打算怎样度过你的假日?
3、经过 A small child waved to the ~ing cars.一个小孩朝着经过的汽车招手.
preserve 1、保护 Fishing is strictly ~d.严禁捕鱼.
2、保持 It is difficult to~ one's self-respect in that job.做那样的工作很难保持自尊.
3、保藏 Deep freezing is the simplest way of ~ing food.深冻是保藏食品最简便的办法.
publish 1、出版 The encyclopedia has been ~ed in parts.这套百科全书已分册出版.
2、发表 These two books comprised all of his ~ed poetry.这两本书包含了他所有已经发表了的诗歌.
3、公布 The firm ~es its accounts in August.该商行于8月份公布会计账目.
permit 1、允许 Dad would not ~ the waste of a single drop of water.爸爸一滴水也不允许浪费.
2、许可 Weather ~ting ,i will go.天气许可的话,我会去.
3、执照 Do you have a driver's ~?你有驾驶照吗?
pattern 1、A coat ~ed on a Chinese model.一件仿照中国式样做的上衣.
2、榜样 He is a ~ of braveness.他是勇敢的榜样.
3、模式 The illness is not following its usual ~.这样的疾病没有按照通常的模式发展.
offer 1、(主动)给予 I ~ed a glass of wine.我敬了他一杯酒.
2、出(价),开(价 We ~ed him the house for £1000 .我们要价1000镑卖给他那幢房子.
3、奉献 He ~ed his life to the country.他把生命献给了祖国.
read 1、读 She ~ the story to her son. 她读故事给她儿子听.
2、理解 How do you ~ this passage?你怎么理解这段?
3、阅读 I like ~ing.我喜欢阅读.
reach 1、到达 When will we ~ Beijing?我们什么时候到北京?
2、伸手去够 The child ~ed out a hand toward the apple.孩子伸手去够苹果.
3、与...取得联系 How can i ~ you?我该怎么和你联系?
rank 1、把...列队The troops were prefectly ~ed.部队排得整整齐齐.
2、把...评级All ~ed him as excellent teacher.大家都评他为优秀教师.
3、社会阶层People of all ~s 社会各阶层人士
result 1、引起 Failure of crops often ~s in famine.歉收常引起饥荒.
2、导致 Their profligate lifestyle ~ed in Bankruptcy.他们挥霍的生活方式导致的破产.
3、结果 Stern discipline did not achieve the desired ~.严厉的纪律没有得到期望的结果.
respect 1、尊重 We ~ the dialectics of life and history.我们尊重生活和历史的辩证法.
2、尊敬 The teacher feels that her students don' t ~ her.老师觉得她的学生不尊敬她.
3、敬意 Fifty planes will fly by the castle as a mark of ~.50架飞机将飞过城堡以示敬意.
ward1、挡住 ~ off an opponent's Blows.避开对手的一击
2、病房 His older sister had been taken off to the isolation ~.他的姐姐被送到隔离病房.
3、监护 The guardian read his ~ a sermon on his extravagance.监护人严词申斥被监护人挥霍浪费.
win 1、赢得 You haven't an earthly chance to ~ the prize.你根本没机会赢得奖.
2、获胜 They won (win的过去式)the game hands down.他们在比赛中轻而易举地获胜.
3、胜利 We have won.我们胜利了.
explain 1、解释 The teacher did not ~ its grammatical function.老师没有解释它的语法功能.
2、说明 The enclosed letter will ~ what has happened.所附信件将说明所发生的事情.
3、辩解 He ~ed that his lameness was due to an accident.他辩解他的跛脚是意外造成的.
enter 1、进入 Scores of shoppers ~ed the shopping mall.几十个购物者进入购物中心.
2、参加 I was forced to ~ a by election on a bad wicket.我不得不在不利情况下参加补选.
3、开始 He ~ed into the work with zest.他热情地开始工作.
express 1、表达 Used to ~ annoyance or irritation.用于表达烦扰或恼怒.
2、快件 I want to send an ~ telegram.我想发一份急电.
3、表示 We have ~ed the depth of our gratitude to them.我们向他们表示了深切的谢意.
make 1、制作 My mother made a cake.我妈妈做了一个蛋糕.
2、安排 I made an appointment to meet him on Friday.我和他星期五要约会.
3、使得 I didn't pass the exam it ~s the father is angry.我没通过考试使得爸爸生气了.
improve 1、提高 Because of your help my English has ~d a lot.因为有你的帮助我的英语有了很大的提高.
2、改进 We snatch at every chance to ~ our work.我们抓住一切机会改进我们的工作.
3、改善 The relations between the two countries have ~d.两国关系已经改善.
damage 1、毁坏 This plate has been ~d it won't print very well.这感光板被毁坏了--印出来好不了.
2、损害 ~ is much greater than was at first anticipated.损害程度比当初预想的要严重得多.
3、损坏 This window was ~d.这个窗户受到了损坏.
deliver 1、释放 They ~ed him from captivity.他们救他出囚.
2、传送 The shopkeeper ~ed some goods to me this morning.今天早晨店主给我送来了一些货物.
3、投递 The postman ~ed the letters promptly.邮递员投递信件很迅速.
find 1、发现 I ~ young people exciting.我发现青年人真令人兴奋.
2、觉得 I ~ it difficult to talk to you about anything serious.我觉得很难同你谈任何严肃的事.
3、找到 I found(find的过去式) the lost wallet last time.我找到了上次丢失的钱包.
view 1、考虑 The subject may be ~ed in various ways.这个问题可以从各方面考虑.
2、视线 Frost on the windscreen obstructed the driver's ~挡风玻璃上的霜挡住了司机的视线.
3、观察 Several possible buyers have come to ~ the house.几个可能买房的人来看过房子了.
try 1、尝试 He tried(try的过去式) to attack the problem from different angles.他试着从各个角度来着手解决这个问题.
2、尽力 ~ to discourage him from driving back to London tonight.尽力劝他今晚不要驾车回伦敦.
3、试图 The thief tried to steal the old man's purse.小偷试图偷那个老人的钱包.
appoint 1、任命 The committee was ~ed in the summer of 1987.委员会是在1987年夏天任命的.
2、委派 They ~ed him as their representative.他们委派他为代表.
3、约定 They ~ed a place to exchange experience.他们约定一个地方交流经验.
appear 1、似乎 There ~s to be only one room.似乎只有一间房子.
2、露面 He ~s on the nightly news.他在晚间新闻里露面了.
3、出现 A bear ~ed in the path of the deer.一只熊在鹿行经的路线上出现.
address 1、写地址 The card was wrongly ~ed to our old home.那张明信片误写了我们的旧地址.
2、致辞 The Queen ~ed the crowd.女王向群众发表了讲话.
3、称呼 Don't ~ me as "officer".不要叫我“长官”.
attack 1、进攻 The bandits reeled back under police ~.匪徒在警察的进攻下向后溃退.
2、袭击 Measles ~s many children.麻疹袭击了很多孩子.
3、攻击 The soldiers secured the camp against ~.士兵保卫营房免受攻击.
age 1、变老,变成熟 Children seem to ~ before our eyes.孩子们眼看着就长大了.
2、老年 He has scraped together some money for his old ~.他已攒了一些钱以备老年之需.
3、时代 the golden ~ 黄金时代
cast 1、撒,抛 The fishman ~ his net into the sea.渔夫把网撒下了海里.
2、 投向 He ~ a look at me.他看了我一眼.
3、脱落 Snakes ~ their skins.蛇蜕皮.
care 1、关心 His uncle never ~d about his study.他叔叔从来不关心他的学习.
2、介意 I don't ~ a fig what others think of me.我毫不在乎别人对我有什麽想法.
3、注意 3.We must take ~ to preserve our national heritage.我们必须注意保护自己的民族遗产.
create 1、创造 Beethoven ~ a miracle.贝多芬创造了奇迹.
2、创作 He spent ten years time ~d this painting.他花了十年的时间创作了这幅画.
3、引起,产生 5.It ~ no small stir in the diplomatic world.这件事在外交界引起了不小的震动.
believe 1、相信 I cannot ~ she is the heroine of the movie.我难以相信她是这部电影的女主角.
2、认为 He ~s that modern society is morally bankrupt.他认为现代社会已丧失道德观念.
3、坚信 Jim ~s in fresh air and morning exercises.吉姆坚信新鲜空气及早操有益处.
leave 1、离开 ~ this place immediately.马上离开.
2、让,留下 ~ me along.让我一个人呆会儿.
3、动身(去) I ~ tomorrow to America.我明天动身去美国.