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英语翻译没有内容要求~内容健康就OK了~单词最好不要太难的~字数不要太少了啊 3楼那位~字数少了啊

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 08:20:57
没有内容要求~内容健康就OK了~单词最好不要太难的~字数不要太少了啊 3楼那位~字数少了啊
英语翻译没有内容要求~内容健康就OK了~单词最好不要太难的~字数不要太少了啊 3楼那位~字数少了啊
Water is very important for us.水对我们很重要 We must drink water everyday.我们每天要喝水 We can’t live without water.离开水就死了 Water is everywhere around us.水到处都是 At home,we use water to wash clothes,to wash dishes,to cook ,to clean the floor,to have showers,to make drinks,to clean our teeth,to water the flowers and so on.在家里我们用水洗衣服洗盘子做饭擦地板洗澡喝水漱口浇花等等At work,people use water to put out fires,to grow vegetables,to make paper and books,to make beer and cocacole and so on.工作中人们用水灭火,种菜,造纸印书,酿酒做可乐等 We also can swim in the sea.Water is important for us,isn’t it?我们还能在海里游泳.谁对我们很重要,不是吗?
Water has no taste at all.水没味道 Water has no color.没颜色Water’s in the river,the pump,the tap.the well.水来自于小河,水泵,水管,和井 Water is everywhere around us.水离我们很近 Water is in the rain.雨带来水 And in the river.河里也有水 And in the lake.湖里也有水.
But there isn’t much water on the earth.但是地球上的水很有限 we must to save it.我们必须保护水资源 How to save water?怎么保护呢?We can save it at home.For example:close the water tap after washing hands.在家里能节水,比如洗手后关紧水龙头.Let's save water from ourselves.让我们从我做起来节水吧!