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英语翻译The idea that they do—the description of honesty and goo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 00:41:48
The idea that they do—the description of honesty and good faith as “bourgeois morality,” as though virtues ceased to be virtues when practiced by the middle classes,or the dismissal of political democracy with a shrug of the shoulders as “capitalist democracy,” as though in a capitalist society it could be anything else—these and similar inanities had their run in the silly season of the thirties,when Bloomsbury awoke to the recondite fact of the existence of a class struggle and announced its discovery with blood-curdling bleats,and invitations to hunt tigers were circulated by sportsmen with whom a brave man might well have hesitated to shoot rabbits.
英语翻译The idea that they do—the description of honesty and goo
他们对这些观点如此深信不疑:像诚实和信用只是资产阶级的专利,而中产阶级则绝对与美德之类无缘(Virtues ceased to be virtues praticed by the middle classes, 直译为中产阶级所做的美好德行不是美德);他们耸一耸肩般就简单的将政治民主当做资本家的民主,好像在资本主义社会中这就是理所应当的(as though in a capitalist society it could be anything else中it 指political democracy, 直译为好像在资本主义社会中政治民主是别样的东西).类似的歪理邪说在三十年代流行一时,直到一批苦苦挣扎的人群发出了微弱的悲鸣,才让Bloomsbury意识到这个时代的真相(这里直译为Bloomsbury觉醒过来,并意识到一个苦苦挣扎的阶层的存在,而这个阶级正用微弱的声音宣布他们的存在),但与此同时那些平常养尊处优的老爷们却如临大敌已决定要把这个还在萌芽的阶级一举铲除(这一段比较难理解,我也半蒙半猜,直译是“去猎老虎的邀请已经在运动员们中间流传,而这些勇敢的人们平常连兔子都不敢打”这里我认为运动员和勇敢都是反讽那些资本家们的)