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谁能翻译一下这篇文章 翻译成英语 语法不能错
三河古镇 游客朋友们, 大家好.今天我们要游览的是三河古镇.下面我先向各位介绍一下三河的概况. 三河古镇地处合肥市肥西境内,位于巢湖之滨,距合肥市区45千米,面积4.71平方千米,人口3万多人.它南与庐江县接壤,西与舒城县相邻,有“一步跨三县,三县闻鸡鸣”之称,是安徽省十六个著名大镇之一.三河古镇因丰乐河、杭埠河、小南河三水贯穿其间而得名,是安徽省著名的鱼米之乡,也是各种货物的集散地,有“装不完的三河”、“皖中商品走廊”等美誉,历史上曾有“小南京”或“小上海”之称.三河古镇有2500多年的历史,1858年,太平天国将领陈玉成、李秀成率部在三河取得了有名的“三河大捷”.三河古镇因水而得名、因水而闻名,
而又不断遭受水灾.合铜公路旁的三角区有一座写着“人民的丰碑”的纪念碑,碑上端的三道水纹线记录了三次洪水决堤时的最高水位.今天我们将参观刘同兴公庄、英王府、一人巷和小南河上的三座名桥. 各位游客,现在我们来到了刘同兴公庄.刘同兴公庄原来是三河商会副会长刘锦堂和他二哥刘锦臣的住所.大家有没有注意到门面墙壁左右的圆石柱?它们是拴马石.整座宅子为五进八厢32间房屋.临街是一幢二层木楼.二进是转心楼,后三进都是平房.大家可以四处看看.旧时水乡三河是稻米集散地和“皖中商品走廊”,刘氏兄弟就是凭借这一优势合伙经营大米土布生意,生意兴隆,年收入数万银元.大家再看那边的“大捷门”牌楼,它就是为了纪念我们之前提到的三河大捷而建的.它的东边就是英王府,也是当年太平军在三河大战清军的指挥部所在地.英王府内设太平天国三河大捷纪念馆,展出了三河之战的实物和相关资料,待会儿大家可以去仔细地参观. 请各位跟我来,下面我们要参观的是著名的南街一人巷,因为它是三河古镇最古老最悠长的深巷,进出只能通过一人.一人巷尽头这间民房曾是杨振宁居住过的地方.众所周知,杨振宁是著名的美籍华裔物理学家,曾获得诺贝尔物理学奖.而他的母亲则是三河人.1937年合肥沦陷,杨振宁随母亲来到三河读书就住在这里.墙上挂的一幅幅照片记录了杨振宁各个时代的生活片段. 三河古镇水乡如梦,古河如画.水多河多自然桥也多.现在我们看到的前方那座桥就是鹊渚廊桥,也是三河唯一的廊桥.桥上竖有12根柱子,撑起两层的长亭,桥边有美人靠,是供游人坐在桥上观景的.桥两
谁能翻译一下这篇文章 翻译成英语 语法不能错
Sanhe town visitors and friends, Hello, everyone. Today we are going to visit is Sanhe town. Here I first introduce to you an overview of three rivers. Sanhe Ancient Town is located in Hefei feixi territory, located in Chaohu coast, away from the Hefei area 45 kilometers, an area of 4.71 square kilometers, population 30,000 people. It is south of Lujiang County to the west and adjacent Shucheng, the "step across the three counties, three counties heard crowing," said one of sixteen famous town in Anhui Province. Sanhe town because fengle River Hangbu River, which runs through the small Nanhe Sanshui named, Anhui Province is a famous land of plenty, but also a variety of goods distribution center, the "endless installed three rivers", "Wan commodity corridor" and reputation, there was "little Nanjing," or "little Shanghai" said history. Sanhe town has 2,500 years of history, 1858, Taiping generals Wilson Chan, Li Xiucheng led his troops in Three Rivers made the famous "Three Rivers victory." Sanhe town named because of the water, because water is known,
But continue to suffer from floods. Combined copper triangle beside the road that says there is a "people's monument," the monument, three waterlines line monument recorded the highest end of the three water level during a flood. Today we will visit the three famous bridges with Liu Chong Hing public, British palace, one lane and the small Nanhe on. Members tourists, now we come to Liu Tong Xing Gongzhuang. Liu Xing Gongzhuang with the original Chamber of Commerce vice president of Three Rivers and his brother Liu should 刘锦臣 residence. We have not noticed a round stone facade walls around? They are hitching stone. The whole Zhaizi for five into eight compartments 32 houses. The street is a two-story Mulou. Two hearts turn into a building, after all three into the cottage. We can look around. Old River Three Rivers is a rice distribution center and "Wan commodity corridor", the Liu brothers is by virtue of this advantage partnership rice homespun business, business is booming, the annual income of tens of thousands of silver. We look at the other side of the "Victory Gate" archway, which is to commemorate the victory we mentioned before Mikawa built. It's east of the palace is the United Kingdom, but also when the Taiping War in Trois Qing headquarters is located. England Victory Memorial Palace features Taiping Sanhe, Sanhe exhibited physical battle and relevant information, we can go a little later visit carefully. Please come with me, here we want to visit the famous South Street is one lane, because it is the oldest and most long Sanhe town of Shen Xiang, out only by a person. One lane at the end of this room is the place where houses once lived Yang. As we all know, Yang is a famous Chinese-American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics. And his mother is Mikawa people. Hefei fall of 1937, Yang came to Three Rivers school with her mother lived here. Photos hanging on the wall depicting the life segment recorded Yang each era. Sanhe Ancient Town Water dream, Furukawa picturesque. More water and more natural river bridge and more. Now we see in front of the bridge is the magpie Nagisa bridges, covered bridges are also the only three rivers. There are 12 bridge erected pillars hold up a two-tier pavilion, there is beauty on the bridge, the bridge is a viewing for visitors to sit. Bridge two
Head is equipped with four square bluestone lamppost, is designed for night visitors come to watch the night set up. Then the same is across a small town located in the center of South River bridge is three counties Bridge, Sanhe town of existing bridges in the oldest one, become connected feixi, Shucheng, Lujiang County, three ties, and therefore named because of the whole bridge all with marble structures, the locals call it "the stone bridge." The last to visit the moon bridge. It is a stepping single stone, bluestone paved with a thick full-bridge, full moon night boarding bridge, do not have a flavor.
再问: 你确定你没用翻译器???
再答: 有纯手工能在短短几分钟打出来的也绝不会是人类。
再问: 我的意思是是 我要用这篇文章去面试的 我担心你用翻译器 导致大量心语法错误 你审核了就好 我在画几天时间看看 如果没有太多错误 我就采纳你 我悬赏了100分呢
再答: 我是敢打百分之九十九没问题的,剩下百分之一完成取决于你。。。。。。
再问: 取决于我 啥意思呀
再答: 你能把这篇英语文章倒背如流吗?想想乔布斯每次开新产品发布会前,都会自己独自一人练习百遍以上,can you?If you can.So I can!
再问: 呵呵我学英语什么都是100遍 走遍美国 英语365句 英语900句 英语文章 我觉得英语很大程度像打字 语法是辅助 熟练是关键 看懂很容易 语法理解也不算太难 关键就是熟悉 熟练 脱口而出
再答: 同意,你能想像美国人学英语语法考得怎么样?还不如我们中国人比他们好---虽然不完全如此。。。
再问: 翻译的很多地方不对
再答: 只能怪我语文没学好,这中文语境与英文语境每个人都有自己的理解。