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英语翻译1、我过去常去看电影,但现在再也没有时间了.(Used To)2、两个工人互相合作修理破裂的管子.(Cooper

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 16:29:04
1、我过去常去看电影,但现在再也没有时间了.(Used To)
3、这是一种残忍的做法,应该马上停止.(practice which)
5、有些人认为他很粗野,但情况并非如此.(the case)
6、我会尽我所能帮忙,但我所能做的也有限.(a limit to)
7、他的努力工作使他得到了一大笔奖金(bonus).(result in)
8、孩子们正在观看飞机起飞和着陆.(take off)
9、我总是一上船就晕船.(on board)
10、博物馆向公众开放的第一天,总共有20000人前来参观.(a total of)
11、委员会(committee)由科学家和工程师组成.(consist of)
英语翻译1、我过去常去看电影,但现在再也没有时间了.(Used To)2、两个工人互相合作修理破裂的管子.(Cooper
1.I used to go to the movies, but no time
2.Two workers repair broken pipes cooperate with each other.
3.This is a cruel practice which should be stopped immediately
4.Which aspects of your most difficult work, which the most rewading.
5.Some people think he is very rough, but it is not the case.
6.I will do my best to help, but whatI can do is a limit to.
7.He gets a large sum of bonus result in his hard work .
8.The children are watching planes take off and landing.
9.I always get seasick on board the ship to.
10.Museum open to the public on the first day, a total of 20,000 people come to visit
11.Committee is consist of scientists and engineers.
12. I can not go home with my work is not completed,
Cultural phenomenon that exists between animals of a species share a common life habits, mutual understanding between each other's actions. Their culture is different from humans, their culture mainly in the way of life, they do not focus on material gain, they focus on feelings, as illustrated by "Even a vicious tiger will not eat its cubs "affection for them is more important than everything.
Good luck for you !
英语翻译1、我过去常去看电影,但现在再也没有时间了.(Used To)2、两个工人互相合作修理破裂的管子.(Cooper 英语翻译:我过去常常早起,但现在我习惯了晚起(get used to 高一英语定语从句定语从句!我们过去常去游泳的小河里现在已经没有鱼了The river _____ we used to 我过去不喜欢流行音乐,但现在逐渐感到有趣了.英语怎么翻译?要用used to 或 get used to 我过去很害怕在公众面前说话,但我现在不怕了(used to,in public) 英语翻译中译英:我不是一个常去麦当劳的人,一个月平均1次.但看了此电影后,我决定以后再也不吃JUNK FOOD了.如果我 英语翻译1,我昨天清晨设法想赶上第一班公共汽车,但我没赶上.2,过去在那些上山常常有许多野生动物(used to)3,我 英语翻译1、我们正在为即将到来的旅行做准备.2、我现在对看电影不感兴趣.3、这两件外套互相搭配得非常好.4、夹克衫不适合 英语翻译有时候.就算知道错过现在就再也没有机会,但还是选择了错过. 英语翻译结构:介词+whet宾语从句+and/but+...+used to...1.我对你今天所做的很满意但我过去认为 英语翻译1 我现在工作太忙了,没有时间陪你去 逛街 ,旅游,或是 看电影2 我下周有时间的话,会陪你去上海旅行.3 已经 英语翻译1 我过去害怕在人们面前说话2 他太累,倒头就睡了3 开着灯睡觉对儿童的视力有害He used to play