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英语翻译An Introduction of Financial Statement Analysis Financia

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 15:40:31
An Introduction of Financial Statement Analysis
Financial statement analysis is the examination of both the relationships among financial statement and the trends in those numbers over time.One purpose of financial statement analysis is to use the past performance of a company to predict its future profitability and cash flows.Another purpose of financial statement analysis is to evaluate the performance of a company with an eye toward identifying problem areas.
Different people read financial statements for different reasons .Suppliers might want to see if a customer can afford a price hike.Customers might want to know if a company will still be around in a year to honor a warranty.Managers,creditors,investors,and CEO all have their purposes for reading the statements.Our focus is on the investor .investors read financial statements either to check on their current investments or to plan their future ones.investors analyze financial statements to determine whether beliefs about the company have been borne out and to develop expectations about the future.Different types of investors expect different types of returns.Equity investors expect both dividebds and an increase in the value of the stock they hold.So they are more concerned with profitablity abd future security prices.Creditors,however,expect to receive interest abd the return of their loan principal .So,they mainly want to know about short-term solvency.
The analysis of financial statements includes various methods to emphasize the comparative and relative importance of the data presented and to evaluate the position of the firm.These methods include percentage analysis and ratio analysis.Percentage analysis and ratio analysis have been developed to provide an efficient means by which a decision-maker can identify important relationships between items in the same statements and trends in financial data.
Data for discussion of percentage and ratio analtsis and the statements of financial perormance and financial position for Smith Ltd.during a 2-year period are presented in the first two columns of figures 17.1 below 17.2 .To enable the calculation of ratios for two periods,a June 30,2003 statement of financial position is also included in Figure 17.1 .Relevant information contained the notes to the financial statement is also included in Figure 17.2 .
英语翻译An Introduction of Financial Statement Analysis Financia
不同的人阅读财务报表出于不同的原因.供应商可能不愿看到的,如果客户可以负担得起价格上涨.顾客可能想知道如果一个公司仍然会围绕在一年内履行保修.经理人,债权人,投资者,公司总裁兼首席执行官都有其目的,读了statements.our的重点是投资者.投资者阅读财务报表要么以检查他们目前的投资或计划他们的未来.投资者分析财务报表,以确定是否信仰有关该公司已承担和发展的期望,有关future.different类型的投资者期望不同类型的回报.股票投资者期望双方dividebds ,并增加的股票价值,他们举行.因此,他们更关心的profitablity阿卜杜勒未来安全的价格.债权人,但是,期望获得的利益阿卜杜勒归还其贷款本金.因此,他们主要是想知道的短期偿债能力.
数据讨论的百分比和比率analtsis和报表的金融perormance及财务状况,为史密斯有限公司在2年期间,介绍了在第一届两栏的数字,1月17日下面2月17日.为使计算比率为两个时期,6月30,2003声明的财政状况还包括在数字17.1 .所载的相关资料,注释的财务报表,也包括在数字17.2