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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 10:50:03
Distinguished guests :the hard way!At this moment you have reached the destination of this trip -- Xiangxi Phoenix.I called XX,today will be able to guide you,it is an honor,I will do my best for you,through the common good Xiangxi Phoenix trip!Phoenix city -- national historical and cultural relics,has been New Zealand's famous writers Luoyiaili praised China for one of the most beautiful small town.Phoenix scenery,convenient transportation and a long history,a lot of heritage,the most important thing is a very pleasant climate,the rostrum of the ancient city.House style for ancient remains,plain Tuojiang quietly flows.Outside a South Mountain National Forest Park,underground art Ailiangdong palaces,built in the Tang Dynasty silk the yellow bridge,world such as the Great Wall of the South.Phoenix beautiful town in Tuojiang River's water,the mountainous region ZHENG Yi-hsiung,Jiang were a few fishing boats,mountains ding morning and Wong,on the precipice of Folk Light Smoke curl,the port Wun Sha Regardless of laughter bright.Shen Congwen's former residence is located in the South China Camp Street,a typical four of the South care homes,the center of ancient homes have a small courtyard with a red stone paved courtyard surrounding the historic houses of brick-wood structure,the house is three,four rooms,a total of more than 10,the Housing undersized,Diao Long painting Fung,antique,just like carvings,especially with the Wood Window Xiangxi characteristics attracted attention.December 28,1902,Shen Congwen on counterparts born here,as well as his childhood spent here,Due to the evolution of history,a lot has changed hands,the house that has been dilapidated,and later it will be a lot of renovation,this 100 ancient homes reappearance marshland,it is hung on the door,"Shen Congwen old home," master,the right one room,Shen Congwen's life in photos.Shen is the second draft of the instrument works and left the rooms display various versions of the text from the book,the house is hanging from the middle of Shen Congwen sketching portraits,left the bedroom,Shen Congwen place of birth,the right of the desktop display of marble desk,and so on.
英语翻译尊敬的客人:一路辛苦了!此刻你己到达了此行的目的地--湘西凤凰.我叫XX,今天能为大家导游,感到十分荣幸,我将竭 英语翻译亲爱的游客朋友们,长途旅行辛苦了.首先我代表XX旅行社欢迎大家来到首都北京参观游览.很荣幸能成为大家的地接导游, 英语翻译今天我非常荣幸能够为大家做展示,我将给大家介绍一个我十分喜欢的韩国组合trouble maker!Trouble 英语翻译各位尊敬的考官,下午好.今天能在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到十分的荣幸,同时通过这次面试也可 英语翻译贺州概况各位早晨好,欢迎大家光临广西贺州.我是您此行的导游员Elizabeth,各位不妨叫我Lisa.今天非常高 英语翻译早上好!  我十分荣幸有这个机会参加面试,  我希望今天我能有个好的表现.我相信我能成功.  现在我将简单介绍一 英语翻译机场:李先生,我是TPV的陈经理,一路辛苦了.客人::我来帮你拿这个包.:是先去公司,还是先去酒店.客人:去酒店 英语翻译我叫XX,很荣幸有机会能进来AA部门/公司与大家一起工作,从下周开始,我将会接替BB手上的工作,如果有任何关于C 英语翻译我很荣幸能成为你们班级的一员.现在轮到我做自我介绍了我的名字叫XXX英语你可以叫我北北长什么样子我想大家现在都能 英语翻译欢迎信尊敬的XX总经理:热忱欢迎您入住黄山徽州皖韵假日酒店,能有机会为您提供服务,酒店全体员工感到万分欣喜与荣幸 英语翻译大家下午好,今天我很荣幸站在这里演讲,首先,我先来自我介绍一下,我叫XX,来自美丽的XX,那里有闻名天下的妈祖岛 英语翻译请帮忙翻译下:我叫xxx(很巧,和我的前任同名),是xxx公司的新员工,能成为您的员工,我感到很荣幸,我将用自己