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英语翻译Such a long time I'm wait.To you to reply all my short m

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 21:23:04
Such a long time I'm wait.
To you to reply all my short messages.
Waiting,I'm keep waiting.
Waiting for you to come pick me up (on date).
What are you thinking.
Treat me like stump.
Never you once.
feel pity seeing me like this?
When I reprove,you just ignored it.
What a shameless guy you are.
That was I always heard since before up until now.
Indeed am I be too kind.
Sorry,sorry,sorry (no more).
How sly are you to take advantage.
on me,whom try to humanize.
What should I do.
You made me perplexed.
Day after day.
Your behavior getting strange.
And getting so more.
I cannot stand it anymore.
How many ambitions involved,try to steal my heart.
Thinking it over and over,then takes my step to go away.
When I am not here anymore,then you'll keep looking for me.
My phone going to ringing from night through to morning.
When I'm always left.
I'm missing you.
Still I know I'll front.
Someone who is better than you.
英语翻译Such a long time I'm wait.To you to reply all my short m
Such a long time I'm wait.等你已多时
To you to reply all my short messages.等你来回复完我所有短信
Waiting,I'm keep waiting.一直静等
Waiting for you to come pick me up (on date).等你准时来接我
What are you thinking.不知你想什么
Treat me like stump.待我如个木头人般
Never you once.从不止一次
feel pity seeing me like this?这样惋惜着看我?
When I reprove,you just ignored it.当我责备之时,你却不理睬
What a shameless guy you are.令我叹息你是多么不知羞耻
That was I always heard since before up until now.这是直到现在我总听见的
Indeed am I be too kind.让我确实对你施出了善心
Sorry,sorry,sorry (no more).三个抱歉
How sly are you to take advantage.多么一个会利用时机的狡猾者啊
on me,whom try to humanize.但我对你却人情备至
What should I do.不知该做什么
You made me perplexed.令我不知所措
Day after day.一天一天过
Your behavior getting strange.你的行为变得很奇怪
And getting so more.渐渐变得更.
I cannot stand it anymore.无法再忍受
How many ambitions involved,try to steal my heart.多少次潜心于偷走我的心
Thinking it over and over,then takes my step to go away.多虑一次又一次,令我不得不扬帆起航离去
When I am not here anymore,then you'll keep looking for me.不再有我影子之时,你也就会一直觅寻我
My phone going to ringing from night through to morning.通宵电话响不停
When I'm always left.当已永远离开之时
I'm missing you.却还依旧想念你
Still I know I'll front.我还是知道得觅寻
Someone who is better than you.比你更好的人.