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英语翻译As requested by Mrs.Liu JianChun,residing in Costa Rica,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 17:28:23
As requested by Mrs.Liu JianChun,residing in Costa Rica,in my capacity as attorney of Mrs.Liu,I write this email to reffer to the exports to be made of woods to you in China.In order to procede to the exports,Mrs.Liu will need the issuance of the LETTER OF CREDIT received from your Bank and delivered to BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA,Swift:BNCRCRSJ,including the conditions that you request to expedite the Payment.
As I understand,the payment will be expedited by the Banco Nacional de Costa Rica against producing the Bill of Lading to the Bank,clarifing that the container has been loaded in the vessel in route to China.
Please let us know the Port in China to which the woods must be delivered and the name of the consignee of the exports.
Should you have any further questions,please do not hesitare on contacting me vía this email or through my Phones:****,mobile:****
英语翻译As requested by Mrs.Liu JianChun,residing in Costa Rica,
根据哥斯达黎加的LIujiangchun女士的要求,根据她的授权,我写这封关于向中国出口木制品的电邮给你,为进行此次出口,LIU女士要求你提供你们银行向BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA, Swift: BNCRCRSJ(银行及流水号), 提供的信用证以及要求尽快付款的条件.
如有进一步问题,请通过此邮件 电话 手机洽我
再问: 1."提供的信用证以及要求尽快付款的条件"要求尽快付款的条件,是我们的信用证开具的么? 2.“付款将由根据明确了集装箱已装至开往中的船舶上的提单尽快进行”,请问现在货已经发出了么?是提单已经在集装箱内,要求我们根据集装箱尽快付款,对么?这句能说的明白点嘛?谢谢啦
再答: 提单是货物装船的凭证,集装箱装船后就能拿到提单,但提单流转会要时间,收货人拿到提单后才会到银行结汇(付款)。 信用证及付款要求,都是你开的呀