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英语翻译1 A long marriage ,hower ,does not necessary______much s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:25:28
1 A long marriage ,hower ,does not necessary______much sharing of interests and responsibilities.
A.take over B.result in C.hold on D.keep to
2.----what shall we do The bus has not come yet,shall we walk?
-----We ______.It is fine day and I don"t want to go wait for another hour.
A.might as well B.may do C.walk together D.had better go on walking
A和 C选哪一个,为什么?
3.-----Do you mind if I smokie?
A.I really hate smoking.B .I"d apprectate if you didn"t C.You can"t smoke there D.You had better give up smoke
4.The big fier in Shanghai ,believed____due to the burning of construction materials ,caused 58 deaths and detroyed all ehw belongings of the people there.
A.To have occoured B.to occour C.having been occouring D.occouring
5.Drunk drivers in china ___face withrawl of their driving licenses,according to Road Traffic Safety Law .
A.can B.will C.shall D.may
6.The last edition of Harry Potter is as attractive as the privious editions.___it is more thrilling.
A.If so B If anything C.If nessary D.If anything
7.____on the small island,the tower has been serious damaged by the sea water.
A.Being lain B laid C.being located D.located
8.Did your speech_____the audience.
A.get through to B.get across to C.get through D,get across
9.They had not been out for long ____sge felt sick in the stomach.
A.as B.when C.while D.though
10.Although china will be affected by the finacial crisis ,the economic will be able to ____it in much better shape than many of other developing countries.
A.mess B.last C.weather D.preserve
11.Music is not only the thing that sets Wang apart.She is (indifferent )about her succes.The ( ) part in this sentence means ________
A.is not caring about B is proud of C.is worried about D.deserves
第六题得D是if something 还有第九题横线后面的sgh改为she
英语翻译1 A long marriage ,hower ,does not necessary______much s
1 A long marriage ,however ,does not necessary______much sharing of interests and responsibilities.
A.take over B.result in C.hold on D.keep to
析:take over,接管,hold on 坚持,keep to 固守都不合句意.
2.----What shall we do The bus has not come yet,shall we walk?
-----We ______.It is fine day and I don"t want to go wait for another hour.
A.might as well B.may do C.walk together D.had better go on walking
A和 C选哪一个,为什么?
析:might do sth.as well,might as well do sth.是一个习惯用法,表示“还是.的好”.
再问: 非常感谢!!!!好人定有好报!!!!
再答: 请耐心等待。不要急着追问。这第二题,看有人选D,其实不对。go on doing sth.是继续走,不会实情。所以最佳是A。 3.-----Do you mind if I smoke? -------___________. A.I really hate smoking. B .I"d apprectate if you didn"t C.You can"t smoke there D.You had better give up smoke B和D选哪个,为什么。 答:B 译:我抽烟你介意吗? 你要是不抽的话,我会很感激的。 析:A. 我真的很厌抽烟,句意不明,一惯态度,答非所问。C. 回答太粗鲁,且人家只是问你介不介意,不会时禁止吸烟的地方如面粉厂或加油站别人问你这个问题。D. 你最好戒烟。也是答非所问。管得太宽!
再问: 嗯 果然有才!
再答: 追问得很紧,我有几个笔误错别字都没机会修改了,你的我帮你改了如下文中的fire 4.The big fire in Shanghai ,believed____due to the burning of construction materials ,caused 58 deaths and detroyed all ehw belongings of the people there. A.To have occoured B.to occour C.having been occouring D.occouring 这题句子成分帮我解析下 逗号之间=which is/was believed to have occoured...... 相当于非限制性定语从句 但实际上是过去分词短语作状语,作补充说明情况(非限制性定语也是这个作用)。主句是the big fire caused sth. and destoyed sth. 不用分析了吧?
再问: 嗯,这个知道,接着下面的
再答: 5.Drunk drivers in China ___face withrawl of their driving licenses,according to Road Traffic Safety Law . A. can B.will C.shall D.may 顺便解释下为什么不用其他选项,这几个选项有什么区别吗 答:C 译:根据交通安全法,在中国醉驾将面临撤销驾照的处罚。 析:shall用于第二、三人称,表示法律上的规定。就这么简单!其它几个都通顺,但不严谨。A表示理论上的可能性。D表示“也许”,其实B表示“将来”,也行的。但C最佳,且是出题者心目中的答案。 6.The last edition of Harry Potter is as attractive as the privious editions.___it is more thrilling. A. If so B If anything C. If necessary D.If something B和D分别什么意思? 答:B 译:哈利.波特的最后一版和先前的几版一样吸引人。如果有什么不同的话,那是更加的刺激。 析:B=if there is anything different 的省略。 if 从句是非肯定句,不用some(thing) 7.____on the small island,the tower has been serious damaged by the sea water. A.Being lain B Laid C. Being located D. Located 答:D。 译:这塔位于一座小岛,已经受至到海水的严重侵蚀。 析:laid是lay的过去分词,塔不是被放置在岛上的,是built在上面的。B不妥。lain是不及物动词lie的过去分词,没有被动语态,所以A排除。C形式正确,但是located on ...是一长久的状态,不是一个动作,being done表示一个正在进行的动作,所以C排除。D. 只表“被动”,不表示“动作”。也不强调时间的先后。 8.Did your speech_____the audience. A.get through to B.get across to C.get through D,get across 答:B 译:你的演说听众接受吗(听懂了吗?听进去了吗?) 析: get across 使人了解,使人清楚...EG: The idea got across to all. 这是个习惯表达法,平时少见。记法:拟人化想象你的speech, 过一座独木桥,对过就是the audience. 信息传递过去,和人过桥到达彼岸是相通的。 9. 答:B 译:他们出去后没过多久她就觉得胃里很难受. 析:这是一类句型表示突然发生了意想不到的情况: 1. sb. was doing sth. when sth. unexpected suddenly happened. 2. sb. was about to do sth. when .... 3. sb. had not done sth. long when .... 从句用when,不用while, 且不可提到主句前。也有人将这个when划入并列连词(并列句)=and just then 请追问,字受限!
再问: 辛苦了啊
再答: 10.Although China will be affected by the finacial crisis ,the economic will be able to ____it in much better shape than many of other developing countries. A.mess B.last C.weather D.preserve 答:C。 这题还真是够烦的这么长的题句!就考这几个词!我也不是很有把握。weather ”经受住"。是我猜的,不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹! 11.Music is not only the thing that sets Wang apart.She is (indifferent )about her succes.The ( ) part in this sentence means ________ A.is not caring about B is proud of C. is worried about D.deserves 答:A 译:音乐不是唯一让王与从不同的方面。她对自己的成功并不放在心上。这indifferent的在这句话中的意思是“不在乎”,“不关心”。 PS:对我来说,这些题目都是好题,因为有一定的难度。 但用心回答的不止我一人,而你只能选择一人的采纳,为难了吧? 所以,下次有问题,一题一贴!真的,你好,我好,大家好!