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1. 【72580】 When he visited the house 50 years later,he found

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/10 13:14:32
1. 【72580】 When he visited the house 50 years later,he found everything was _____ it had been before.
A. that
B. which
C. same
D. as
2. 【72881】 You are so busy recently.I do wish you _____ with me for a while.
A. could stay
B. stay
C. will stay
D. will be staying
3. 【72898】 Her short stories are enjoyed by adults and children _____.
A. like
B. together
C. alike
D. all
4. 【73109】 Finally after working hard for five years Jane _____ able to save her fare to Europe.
A. is
B. was
C. will be
D. would be
5. 【73114】 The teacher emphasized that _____ of us should read the essay three times.
A. each everyone
B. all and every one
C. each and every one
D. each someone
6. 【73138】 They thought the program was _____ investigating.
A. worth
B. worthy
C. worthwhile
D. worthing
7. 【73180】 Because the reading _____ in most college courses are very heavy,students should plan to read every day.
A. assignments
B. schedules
C. activities
D. programs
8. 【73209】 A good manager identifies the interest of his employees _____ his own.
A. to
B. with
C. for
D. between
9. 【73225】 In summer,we usually have _____ holiday.
A. two-months'
B. two months'
C. two-month's
D. a two months'
10. 【73228】 She always works overtime as she has a large family to _____.
A. provide
B. provide with
C. be provided
D. provide for
1. 【72580】 When he visited the house 50 years later,he found
1.B ,也可能是D.50年后当他再次来到这所房子,他发现一切如旧
2.A ,你最近真忙啊,我真的很希望你能抽空陪我一会.
3.D ,她的短篇小说老少皆宜.
4.B ,最终,五年的辛苦工作后,Jane 存够了去欧洲所需的花费.
5.B,也可能是C ,老师强调每个人,所以人都要./老师强调大家每个人都要.
6.D 做到过,好像是D.有个后面要接for 的,具体哪个忘了.
7.A 因为多数学院的阅读任务都很重,所以,学生需要计划好每天的阅读量.
8.B 好的经理能够准确认识到雇员的喜好.(ps:莫非他想说知人善用?)
10.B 她总是.因为她有一大家子要养.