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英语翻译2.3 GA OperationsFig.3 shows the flow of GA operations i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 12:47:56
2.3 GA Operations
Fig.3 shows the flow of GA operations in the presented system.GA parameters in this paper are as follows.N:the number of individuals in an individual pool,Nuser:the number of individuals presented to a user,Nelite:the number of elites,NPC:the number of parent candidate individuals,T:the maximum number of repeating generations,Pc:
probability of crossover,ε :expansion rate,Pm:probability of mutation.
2.3.1 User Evaluation
A user evaluates Nuser presented designed jacket candidates with 5-point scale subjec- tively whether they fit user’s image of jackets or not.+2:very good,+1:good,0:neutral,-1:bad,-2:very bad.An individual,which is chosen as the most favorite
among presented jacket candidates,is dealt as an elite.The elite candidates have evaluation value +3.
2.3.2 Decision of Parents (Selection)
Parent candidates at the next generation are selected according to user’s evaluation for
individuals at the current generation.In this paper the roulette selection strategy is used at the selection.That is,the higher evaluation individuals have,the more the number of copied individuals at the next generation is,and the lower evaluation indi- viduals have,the less the number of copied individuals at the next generation is.Let the evaluation of an individual i (i=1,2,…,Nuser) be v(i).As for an individual i (v(i)+3) individuals are copied as the parent candidate at the next generation.As for an elite individual,its evaluation is considered as +3.Therefore,6 elite individuals are copied at the next generation.If the number of copied parent candidates at the next generation is less than NPC,the remainder of parent candidates is supplemented from the individual pool at random.
英语翻译2.3 GA OperationsFig.3 shows the flow of GA operations i
图.3显示了流动的GA行动提出系统.遗传算法参数本文如下.型号:数量的个人以个人池,Nuser :在一些个人提交给用户,Nelite :精英的数量,全国人民代表大会:母公司的人数候选人个人,电话:数量的上限重复后代,邮政编码:
概率的交叉,ε :膨胀率,时:概率突变.
用户评价设计的外套Nuser提出候选人5分制主体,tively是否适合用户的形象,夹克或没有.2 :非常好,1 :好,0 :中立,-1 :坏,-2 :非常糟糕.就个人而言,这是被选为最喜爱的
除提出夹克候选人,是处理作为一个精英.精英候选人评估价值3 .
个人在目前这一代.本文轮盘选择策略是使用的选择.这就是说,个人有更高的评价,越多的复制个人下一代是,和低评价个体viduals有,该人数的复制个人下一代是.让评价个人口(为I = 1 ,2 ,...,Nuser )是五(一) .至于个人口(五(一)三)个人将被复制作为母公司候选人下一代.至于个别的精英,其评价被视为3 .因此,6个人被复制优秀的下一代.如果一些家长复制候选人下一代低于全国人民代表大会,其余的考生家长补充的各个集合中随机.