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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 21:25:28
有位雅典的富商与别人一起去航海.一天,海面上风暴骤起,狂风巨浪把船打翻了.这时,别人都在使劲游泳逃命,唯有雅典人不停地祷告雅典娜女神,许愿如果能得救,一定献上很多祭品.有一个共同遇难的人游到他身旁,对他说道:“雅典娜保佑你,你也得动动你的手吧!” 这故事是说,在请求神帮助时,自己也得积极想办法去做点事.
Dead people
One of the tycoons Athens together with others to navigation.One day,the sea storm rose,the wind waves to knock over the ship.At this time,others are swim away,the only way Athenians kept praying goddess Athena,can be saved if wishes,we presented many offerings.A common people swam to the victims beside him,he said:"Athena bless you,you move your hand move!" The story is that when the request God help themselves to a positive approach to do something.