作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 23:35:11
Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct one
from the two choices given to fill in each blank.
The other night as I walked ______(from\onto) the garage,a portly man wearing a stocking cap ______(exited\emerged)from a bush and aimed a pistol berween my eyes.As I set down my KFC,I ___(intentionally\presently)tossed my keys into a shrub.
I said my money was in my wallet.He moved to___(research\search)my trousers pocket.
Suddenly,I was faced with his ____(slight\light) partner with___(polished\punished) eyes and legs like attachments___(for\to) unseen wires.Both men shouted to stop___(look\to look)at them.I was trying to notice detice details so I could remember them.
_____(When\Then),I was on the ground,guns at my neck and temple,my face digging into dirt on the____(sidewalk\sideways).
I felt I was going to die._____(Expectedly\Unexpexpectedly)they asked a question:"What is this?" It was my KFC.They grabbed the_____(fried\filed)chicken and ran,their footsteps fading_____(into\to)the night.
I phoned the police who called back for_____(automatic\additional)details._____(Accidentally\Apparently) these two probably committed several ____(robbers\robberies) in
my _____(neighbornood\neighbor).
At the police station I looked at mug shots to try to _____(identity\identify) them.These photos ______(affected\effected) me _____(of\with) the impression of a raging current,destroying the foundations of our freedom and values.
Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct
The other night as I walked (from) the garage,a portly man wearing a stocking cap (emerged)from a bush and aimed a pistol berween my eyes.As I set down my KFC,I (intentionally)tossed my keys into a shrub.
I said my money was in my wallet.He moved to(search)my trousers pocket.
Suddenly,I was faced with his (slight) partner with(polished) eyes and legs like attachments(to) unseen wires.Both men shouted to stop(looking)at them.I was trying to notice detice details so I could remember them.
(Then),I was on the ground,guns at my neck and temple,my face digging into dirt on the(sidewalk).
I felt I was going to die.(Unexpexpectedly)they asked a question:"What is this?" It was my KFC.They grabbed the(fried)chicken and ran,their footsteps fading(into)the night.
I phoned the police who called back for(additional)details.(Accidentally) these two probably committed several (robberies) in
my (neighbornood).
At the police station I looked at mug shots to try to (identify) them.These photos (affected) me (with) the impression of a raging current,destroying the foundations of our freedom and values.