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英语翻译From the perspective of people like Maleng and the Kansa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 22:15:55
From the perspective of people like Maleng and the Kansas editorial writers,overturning the Kansas law would have been tantamount to declaring open season on children.For them,ignoring victims' experiences is every bit as inhumane as Hendricks and his supporters claim are the civil commitment statutes.n308 For example,the Capital-Journal criticized dissenting Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg,Steven Breyer,John Paul Stevens,and David Souter for a dissent "indicative of an ivory tower mentality; theirs is a reckless,paper- pushing,purely academic approach that arrogantly shows no deference to the crescendo of pleas from forty-five states and territories to uphold the law - a carefully crafted attempt at a modicum of public safety." n309
There is,however,a significant problem with the Court's decision:It leaves the door open for Kansas and other states to enact laws that serve an honorable purpose but abridge the constitutional rights of unpopular - even hated - subpopulations.n310 Leroy Hendricks had no reason to expect he could be indefinitely civilly committed for molesting a child.The application of a commitment statute enacted after he was already in prison had the same effect on Hendricks regardless of whether the State labeled the law civil or criminal.Hendricks experienced the sexual predator law as an ex post facto punishment.Given this precedent,states could conceivable enact other "civil" statutes to keep other repeat offenders - or even first-time offenders who are considered dangerous and mentally unbalanced - in prison.Laws work in part because they are consistent; people know what acts are unacceptable and what the punishment will be.By applying its sexual predator law to people convicted before its passage,Kansas indicated a willingness to increase the penalties for crimes and apply those penalties to whomever the State chooses with only superficial regard for constitutional safeguards.
Legal scholar Henry Abraham has called the U.S.Supreme Court the "teacher in an eternal national constitutional seminar." n311 One of the Court's essential functions is to educate the American public [*84] about the ongoing need for respect for constitutional rights; it does this through its opinions.n312 Another of the Court's essential functions,Abraham says,is protecting minority rights.n313 The majority will always find a reason and way to punish unpopular thought and behaviors.The Court must protect the unpopular because selective protection of citizens' constitutional rights is really no protection.Many,perhaps most,Americans fall into some category of minority class,thought,or behavior.Without uniform protection,how can citizens be sure their particular difference will not eventually target them for special prosecution?
英语翻译From the perspective of people like Maleng and the Kansa
从法律的角度考察人喜欢Maleng和堪萨斯社论作者、砍下堪萨斯的法律将已经等于宣布开放季节了孩子们.对他们来说,无视受害者的经验是残忍的,都和他的名气亨德瑞人都和他的支持者statutes.民事承诺为例,n308 Capital-Journal批评反对的大法官露丝巴德,史蒂文萤幕记忆>摘自《约翰保罗·斯蒂文斯进入Souter,大卫为异议“揭露了一个心理;他们的象牙塔,是个不计后果的论文,进取心,纯理论的方法,以出狂妄的话,没有显示的逐渐从四十五分的恳求各州和领地政府规定,维护了一个精心编织的少许的尝试.n309公共安全.
法学家亨利亚伯拉罕称美国最高法院“老师用永恒的国家宪法研讨会.n311一个法院的基本功能是教育美国公众的(* 84)正在进行的需要尊重宪法权利;它通过它的opinions.n312另一法院的基本功能,亚伯拉罕说,n313大多数保护中小rights.总是会找到原因和刑罚不受欢迎的思想和行为.法庭必须保护不受欢迎的,因为选择性保护公民宪法权利真是没有采取保护措施.许多俄罗斯人,也许是大部分美国人陷入某种范畴,少数民族类、思想和行为.没有统一的保护,怎样才能确信他们公民特定不同特殊瞄准他们最终不起诉?