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英语翻译Dido 是一位创作型歌手.从她那敏锐的笔触下,歌词如泉水一般汩汩流出,时而朴实自然,时而欢欣愉悦;时而如清泉流

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 22:31:00
Dido 是一位创作型歌手.从她那敏锐的笔触下,歌词如泉水一般汩汩流出,时而朴实自然,时而欢欣愉悦;时而如清泉流过山涧,时而又似万流奔腾入海.她的创作源泉好似永不枯竭一般,让她驰骋于各种曲风领域而游刃有余.同时Dido具有天籁般的嗓音.她那高亢嘹亮的歌喉足以与Sinead O’Connor 媲美,但她又不同于Sinead O’Connor.因为Dido的嗓音还具有麻痹、沙哑、慵懒的一面.她那高亢嘹亮的声音让你兴奋不已,同时她那慵懒麻痹的声音听似有气无力,但却让你感到如此轻松惬意,无拘无束.《Thank you》便属于这一类.
“I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life.Oh,just to be with you is having the best day of my life.”是我印象最深刻的一句.这句歌词让我感觉到一个女子的美好期望和满足感.
歌曲一开始是一阵轻快的鼓点,像从空旷的原野上飘来的,颇具原始的韵味,接着便传来Dido那麻痹而略显慵懒的声音.一个失恋女子的痛苦不经意间就从她的口中娓娓唱来.歌曲讲述了一个失恋女子在爱人离去后是如何的痛苦不堪:生活没有了阳光,天空乌云密布,整日沉浸于酒精的麻痹中,浑浑噩噩,但脑子里仍然装满了爱人的影子.后来爱人回心转意,回到了她身边,她又顿时感到阳光普照,只要能同爱人在一起,即使整个世界都毁灭了她也不会在意的.这首歌表达的主题是爱.不知道你在听了这首歌的时候,会不会在歌中找到自己的影子,也许吧.不过这都不是最重要的,因为All we need is Dido's cool music.
英语翻译Dido 是一位创作型歌手.从她那敏锐的笔触下,歌词如泉水一般汩汩流出,时而朴实自然,时而欢欣愉悦;时而如清泉流
Dido is a singer-songwriter.Acute strokes from her,the lyrics,such as spring water bubbling out of the general,sometimes simple and natural,and sometimes joy joy; sometimes like mountain springs flow through,sometimes substantially decreased million flow into the sea Pentium.Her writing is like an inexhaustible source of general,let her ride a variety of musical styles in the field of its capability.While Dido's voice with sounds of nature.Her sonorous voice loud and clear enough to match with Sinead O'Connor,but she is different from Sinead O'Connor.Because of Dido's voice also has paralysis,husky,lazy side.
Her high-pitched resonant sound you excited,while her voice sounding lazy paralysis weakly,but it makes you feel so relaxed and unrestrained."Thank you" fall into this category.