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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 05:33:22
以下英语作文 的读后感
Better urban living standards
By Li Xing (China Daily)Updated:2010-06-04 06:35
Mercer,a consulting,outsourcing and investment company based in New York,the United States,last week named Vienna,Zurich,Geneva,Vancouver and Auckland as the top five cities in the world for their quality of living.
According to its quality of living rankings of 221 cities worldwide,major Chinese cities did not even make the top 50 slots.Hong Kong ranked 71,Shanghai 98 with Beijing trailing at 114.Singapore topped the cities in Asia,as the 28th city in the world for its quality of living.
Interestingly,the Chinese media and netizens seem quite unperturbed by the survey results,which place Shanghai and Beijing in the middle of all the listed cities.Only one netizen raised some doubts about the survey in a blog,but without elaboration.
There are reasons for not taking the survey too seriously.For one,the company based its criteria on the quality of living of expatriates.So,despite claims of being "neutral and unbiased",these rankings are based on the quality of life in Western countries.The survey also lumped together cities of vastly different populations - ranging from tens of millions to just half a million.
There is no reason for us to be depressed by this survey.If we were to measure the rate by which cities improved the quality of life of its residents,Beijing and Shanghai would advance in the rankings.In 1978,the average urban resident spent only 311 yuan ($46) a year on consumer items,but in 2008,that figure rose to an annual 11,243 yuan ($1,653).Between 1985 and 2008,per capita housing space in urban centers increased from 8.6 sq m to 23 sq m.
However,despite the dramatic progress made in recent decades,city administrators in Beijing and Shanghai should pay some attention to Mercer's survey,as it points to a direction in which the two leading Chinese cities can further improve the quality of life of their residents.
After all,both municipal governments have vowed to make their cities among the best and most influential in the world.
Mercer's quality of living factors cover a broad range:from political,social,economic,cultural and natural environments to public services,healthcare,housing,education,recreation and consumption.Judged by all these factors,both Beijing and Shanghai have a long way to go.
Especially Beijing.For one,air pollution is a major factor that affects the quality of life of the capital's residents.This spring's sandstorms severely affected the overall air quality in Beijing for the first five months of this year.As a result,between Jan 1 and May 31,there were only 114 days that were rated as good or fair in terms of air quality.That is 7 days less of good air than the same period last year,so Beijing faces a tough battle in fighting pollution and achieving its goal of improving its environment.
以下英语作文 的读后感
李白兴(《中国日报》).2010-06-04 06:35更新:
我们没有理由感到沮丧通过这份调查.如果我们测量速率,改善城市居民的生活质量,北京和上海会提前.1978年,城市居民的平均花费只311位元(约合46)每年消费项目,但在2008年,这个数字上升到一年一度的11,243 1,653元).从1985年至2008年,人均住房空间,在城市中心8.6平方米,增加到23平方公尺.