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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 21:23:06
在浩瀚的语言海洋中,谚语犹如闪光的珍珠,凝聚着人民群众智慧的光芒.短短一句,寥寥数字,常发人深省,耐人寻味,启迪思路,得益匪浅.英语谚语,由于历史的原因,不仅源远流长,而且极其丰富.一句出色的谚语,常以其和谐的韵律,精炼的语言,生动的形象,独特的构思和隽永的寓意而令人吟诵再三,爱不释手.鲁迅先生曾称赞谚语是“ 意味深长的话”.用这精辟的话来评价英语谚语,恰如其分.短短的一句谚语之所以有如此巨大的表达能力,因为在内容上,谚语是全体劳动人民生活经验的结晶,经过岁月的淘选,是砂中的金、海中的盐—深刻、纯净、凝练; 在形式上,谚语广泛地运用了各种卓有成效的修辞手段,大大增强了它的表达力和感染力.英语谚语凝聚着人类的智慧,闪烁着真理的光辉,是英语语言的精华,堪称英语语言宝库中的一朵奇葩.
Language in the vast ocean,proverbs like shining pearls,embodies the people the light of wisdom.Just one,very small number,often thought-provoking,interesting,inspiring ideas,has greatly benefited.English proverbs,due to historical reasons,not only long,but extremely rich.An excellent proverb,often with its harmony of rhythm,refined language,vivid image,unique ideas and timeless meaning and is recited over and over again,put it down.Mr.Lu Xun praised proverb is "meaningful words." Used to evaluate these brilliant words of English proverbs appropriately.The reason why there is a short sentence saying such a great ability to express,because the content,saying the experience of all working people,the crystallization of life,after years of panning is the gold sand,sea salt - a deep,pure,concise ; in the form,saying widespread use of a variety of effective rhetorical device,greatly enhanced the expression of its power and appeal.English proverbs embody human wisdom,shining splendor of truth,the essence of the English language,English language,called the treasure-house in a wonderful work.