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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 22:35:00
《礼记•曲礼》载:“父之仇也,弗与共戴天.兄弟之仇,不反兵.交游之仇,不同国.”族人按照血缘关系上的亲疏远近彼此负有一定的责任与义务,为亲人复仇即是其中之一,这种观念造就了现实中对血亲复仇的推重.在礼崩乐坏、正常社会秩序被打破的情形下,复仇又每每作为对善被无情毁灭的一种正义抗争.这种价值取向在古代中国复仇文学中的影响是十分深远的.古代中国复仇文学的总体倾向是以“惩恶扬善、伸张正义”的表现模式,演绎善对恶的正义讨伐; 而复仇者在复仇行为过程中的心坚意决、无所顾忌,也往往赢得普遍的同情.因此,基于血亲仇恨的反抗行为最能激起观众的伦理情感认同.金燕子是个孤女,她人生的唯一目标就是杀死玉疆战神,为父母报仇,最终在杰森的帮助下她杀死了邪恶力量的代表玉疆战神,为之她付出了生命的代价.这也符合中国复仇文学的正义终将战胜邪恶的模式.
思想层面上的取向,影片集中地体现在对功夫的解释上.对功夫的阐释有着浓重的道家思想背景.作为中国文化源头之一的老子说:“道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名.无,名天地之始; 有,名万物之母.故常无,欲以观其妙,常有,欲以观其徼.”(《老子•一章》) 影片中如是评论功夫:“从有形中求无形,于无声处听有声.习万招之法,从有招到无招.”显然其中关于有无的论证带有老子思想的意味.功夫和道一样只能意会,“无形、无状,真正的功夫就在你心,你自己才能将其释放”.功夫与老子所说的道,在一定意义上具有相通性,道是没有具体形象的,是不能单凭感觉把握的,影片中对功夫的描述也具有道的性质,也即老子所说的“大象无形”(《老子•四十一章》“) 无状之状,无物之象”《( 老子•十四章》).功夫和老子的道都具有“无”和“有”这双重性质,是无限和有限的统一.
要真人翻译的 机器直接翻译的不行啊
"The Book of Rites • Qu li" contains: "Father of hatred also, mandrax days wear thin. Brotherly hatred, not anti-soldier. Friends of hatred, different country." Serbs in accordance with kinship distance on the degree of kinship with each other must bear the responsibility and obligations, that is revenge for their loved ones are one of them, this concept created a reality of blood revenge Thrust-Weight. Collapse ceremony at Lok bad, the normal social order was to break the case of revenge as they often have been mercilessly destroyed good a just struggle. This value orientation revenge in ancient Chinese literature is very far-reaching impact. Ancient Chinese Literature in the overall tendency of revenge on a "good and evil, justice," the performance of models, interpretation of good to evil crusade of justice; and acts of revenge Avenger at the heart of the process intended to summary Kennedy, unscrupulous, and often won widespread sympathy. Therefore, based on the genetic resistance to acts of hatred stirred up the most viewers agree that the ethical sentiment. Kim swallow is a orphan, she lives the only goal is to kill the Jade Jiang Mars, in order to avenge their parents, and ultimately at the help of Jason, she killed the evil forces of the Jade Jiang on behalf of God of War, which she paid with his life price. This is also in the Chinese literature revenge justice will ultimately prevail over evil model.
Levels of thought on the orientation of the film to focus reflected in the interpretation of the kung fu on. Interpretation of the martial arts have a strong background of Taoist thought. As the source of Chinese culture, one of Lao Tzu said: "The Road to Road, very Road; who can name very name. No, the beginning of heaven and earth; there is, the mother of all things.故常no, trying to watch his wonderful, often , trying to watch their boundary. "(" I • Chapter 1 ") if comment kung fu movie:" From Seeking the invisible visible, to listen to the silent Department has sound. Xi million strokes of law, from hiring has no stroke. "It is clear one of the argument about whether or not with the idea I mean. Road work and can only sense the same, "formless and has no symptoms, the real kung fu on you at heart, yourself can be released." Kung Fu and I said that in a certain sense with the same sex, the Dow did not have a specific image, are feeling alone should not grasped, the movie description on the martial arts also has a Road, the nature of which I call " invisible elephant "(" I • Chapter 41 "") no symptoms of shape, nothing like the "" (Lao Tzu • Chapter 14 "). Road work and I have the "no" and "have" this double nature, are infinite and limited unity.