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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 22:39:02
British mainland western Europe from Great Britain and Ireland,north-east and many nearby islands.The full name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.She east by the North Sea,the Atlantic Ocean to the west,up to the North Atlantic off Iceland,Yugoslavia and the European continent,separated only by a strip of water,the English Channel.British total area of about 243,000 square kilometers.The main island is a British territory of Great Britain from northern Scotland.southwest of the southern and central parts of England and Wales,three regional groupings.England area of 130,000 square kilometers which,accounting for most of the island of Great Britain; Wales area of 20,000 square kilometers,territory is mountainous and rugged; Scottish area of 78,000 square kilometers.Northern Ireland area of 14,000 square kilometers.Britain is about 1,000 km from south to north and 50 ° north latitude and 61 ° C; Most things is not more than 500 km wide,east longitude 1 ° 45 'W 8 ° 10' between.Zero meridian through the southeast London GMT (Greenich).British coastline of about 11,500 km.Although the British high latitudes,but due to a single Atlantic,not the cold winter.British maritime climate temperate broadleaf forests.In normal years,the hottest (July),the average temperature of 19-25 degrees Celsius.the coldest (January),the average temperature of 4-7 degrees Celsius.British uneven rainfall throughout England low-lying,with an average rainfall of 830 mm,west,Mountain precipitation in the northern part of a larger,up to 4,000 mm.Britain is the main mineral resources of coal,iron,oil and gas.Hard coal reserves of 170 billion tons.Rail reserves of about 3.8 billion tons.In the United Kingdom North Sea continental shelf oil reserves of about 10-40 million tons.8600-25,850 billion cubic meters of natural gas reserves in between.Britain's total population of about 59 million,of which 50 million in England,Scotland,five million,three million in Wales.Northern Ireland 2 million.In the British capital of London,England.英国大陆西欧从大不列颠及爱尔兰,东北部及附近许多岛屿.全称英国大不列颠和北爱尔兰.她东与北海,西濒大西洋,直至北大西洋过冰岛,南斯拉夫和欧洲大陆仅隔着一衣带水,英吉利海峡.英国总面积约243,000平方公里.主岛,是英国的领土很大,从英国北部的苏格兰.西南地区南部和中部的英格兰和威尔士,三大区域集团.英格兰面积130000平方公里,其中占大多数的岛屿大不列颠;威尔士面积为20,000平方公里,境内多山,崎岖;苏格兰面积7.8万平方公里.北爱尔兰面积1.4万平方公里.英国约1000公里,从南到北50 °北纬61 ℃ ;大部分的东西是不超过500公里宽,东经1 ° 45 ' — 12 ° 10 '之间.零经线通过伦敦东南格林尼治( greenich ) .英国海岸线约11500公里.虽然英国的高纬度地区,但由于单一大西洋,而不是寒冷的冬季.英国海洋气候,温带阔叶林.在正常年份,最热( 7月) ,平均气温为19-25摄氏度.寒冷( 1月) ,平均气温为4-7摄氏度.英国雨量不均整个英格兰低洼地带,年平均降水量830毫米,西部山区降水在北部较大,可达4000毫米.英国是主要的矿产资源,煤,铁,石油和天然气.硬煤储量1700亿吨.铁储量约380亿吨.在英国北海大陆架石油储量约10-40亿吨.8600-25,850亿立方米的天然气储量,在两者之间.英国的总人口约为5900万,其中50万人在英格兰,苏格兰,500万,300万在威尔士.北爱尔兰200万人.在英国首都伦敦,英国.