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英语翻译authorized capital stock:3000000000 common sharesthis ce

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 10:16:23
authorized capital stock:3000000000 common shares
this certifies that XXX is the registered holder of eighteen thousand one hunderd and ninety-one
shares transferable only on books of the corporation by the holder hereof in person
or by Attorney upon surrender of this certificate properly endorsed
in witness whereof,the said corporation has caused this certificate to be signed by its duly authorixed officer and
its corporate feal to be hereunto affixed
英语翻译authorized capital stock:3000000000 common sharesthis ce
“注册资本股:普通股3000000000 股
特此证明 XXX 是我公司正式登记注册的股东,持有18,191股;该等股份只可以在公司的内部登记之中被合法转让,并需要符合以下条件 - (1)持有人亲自办理,(2)经由合法授权人办理转让,(3)将此证明书签署妥当并带有合法见证人的签字然后交来本公司.本公司已就此证明书授权我方负责人签署及盖上公司印章(一般为金色标贴凸印或无色凸印)以确认其有效性.”