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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/26 01:20:31
Imposing Mausoleum Of Dr. Sun Yat-sen
  Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who is known in Chinese as Sun Zhongshan, is the great forerunner of the modern Chinese Revolution. He was born into a peasant family on November 12, 1866 in Xiangshan County (now renamed after him as Zhongshan County), Guangdong Province. At his early youth hood, he determined to free the Chinese people from sufferings. So he took up medicine as his profession. However, he gradually found out that by being a medical doctor he was suffering from the cruel oppression of the Manchurian feudal rulers and foreign invaders. He gave up his profession and became a revolutionary. After several decades’ painstaking efforts, he finally realized his aim. The famous 1911 Revolution Successfully overthrew the Qing Dynasty and put an end to the 20-century-long feudal period in China. Dr. Sun Yat-sen was elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China which was founded on January 1, 1912 and whose capital was Nanjing.
  To commemorate his great contributions to the overthrowing the monarchy, after he died in March of 1925, a magnificent mausoleum was built for him.
  The mausoleum is situated in the southern slope of the Purple Mountains in the eastern suburb of Nanjing. Although a native in Guangdong Province, Dr Sun Yat-sen preferred to be buried in Nanjing. In the spring of 1912, Dr Sun Yat-sen went hunting in the Purple Mountains, he was greatly fascinated by the beautiful scenery there. He told his aides that he would like to request the people to give him a piece of land there for his tomb. On his deathbed, he again expressed the wish.
  Immediately after he died, his wife, Madame Song Chingling and the funeral committee sponsored a competition among Chinese architects for the designing of the Mausoleum. A 28-year-old architect, Lu Yanzhi won the first prize and was appointed as the director overseeing the project, which began in 1926. Lu worked so hard and died before the construction was completed in 1929. Dr Sun Yat-sen’s remains were moved here from Beijing where he was entombed temporarily.
  The whole area covers 30,000 square meters and its layout looks like a bell, a shape to wake up and rouse the people for the continuation of the revolution.
  The foreground of the mausoleum is a marble gate of three arches, above which two Chinese characters meaning “fraternity” are inscribed. Behind it, a 480-meter-long avenue lined with a blue glazed roof of traditional style. Inscribed on it are four Chinese Characters, which Dr. Sun often wrote during his lifetime as the wording for a scroll, meaning “The world belongs to the public”. Behind the entrance is a pavilion housing a nine-meter granite stele inscribed with his burial date, June 1, 1929.
  The memorial hall itself is 158 meters above sea level and 73.33 meters above ground level. Approached by climbing 392 steps, it is a granite building with two-tiered roofs of blue glazed tiles. Between the two eaves sets a plaque carved with “Moral uprightness in the world”. Above the doors of the hall inscribed the six characters standing for “nationalism”, “Democracy” and “People’s live hood”-the three Principles of the People put forward by Dr Sun Yat-sen.
  In the hall stands a white statue of Dr Sun, five meters high, on the four sides of the marble base of the statue are sculptures-in relief about his revolutionary activities. Engraved in gold letters in black marble on the walls are excerpts from “Fundamentals of National Reconstruction” drafted by Dr Sun himself.
  The ceiling of the hall is engravings and Patterned tiles. The hall looks awe-inspiring when it was lit by the sunlight which comes in through the colorful glass patterned tiles. The hall looks awe-inspiring when it was lit by the sunlight which comes in through the colorful glass of the transoms.
  Behind the statue is a door opening into a circular domed hall in which a recumbent marble statue of Dr Sun Yat-sen can be seen. Dr Sun’s remains are five meters underneath and protected by reinforced concrete.
  The mausoleum was listed as one of the important historical relics under state conservation by the State Council in 1961. Since then, the mausoleum and its vicinity have been renovated time and again.
  Now the impressive mausoleum has become a must on the programmed of all visitors who come to Nanjing.