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翻译 She can not get it in time

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 17:55:47
翻译 She can not get it in time
翻译 She can not get it in time
祝:学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
再问: 这是一个听力题的选项,主要内容是 M; Do not you have a bank card that you are not using right now? W Yes ,I do ,I have never used it ,and it does not have any money on it ,Iaccidentally opened that account with the wrong bank ,so it is more or less useless 题目是 What is true about the woman's card?
再答: 这个原文主要讲的是银行职员问这个女士她是否有不使用的银行卡 然后这位女士说她有一张从来没用过,开上也没有钱。她是不小心开的这张卡,银行弄错了。所以这张卡基本上是没用的~ 还有其他选项吗?
再问: A She left it in her friend's house. B She can not get it in time C She forgot the password
再答: 。。。 这个选项貌似和原文没什么关系啊。。。
再问: M Can my aunt ues that card? She is going to be in town ,and she needs to get some money transferred to her from my cousin ,but she forgot her bank card. W She is welcome to use it ,but like I said ,it might not work . M Great, I willcome by later tonight and pick it up .You need to write you name and your account password on a piece of paper for me
再答: 最好完整的哦~ 这样不完整的不太好理解~ 你可以把你看不懂的句子P上来~
再问: W Oh,tonight is not going to work .I have class and then I am going over to a friend's house. M But she is only in town for one day .You do not have time to run home and meet me? W Sorry ,I made these plans ages ago. 真的不好意思,这是全文,麻烦您帮我看一下,
再答: 那就选B 啦 因为女士今天有事,所以没办法及时把银行卡拿到并且给这个男的。。但文中没有交代这位女士把卡放在哪的~ 所以只能推断一下~
再问: 只能用排除吗?答案有些牵强,最后ages ago是什么意思?
再答: ages ago就是早前,之前的意思~ 没办法呀。。因为感觉这段话里面重点不多~