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英语翻译When you are invited to a meal in Thailand(泰国),the words

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 12:43:16
When you are invited to a meal in Thailand(泰国),the words of the invitation mean "come and eat rice".In fact,nearly all Thai dishes are 1 with rice,which grows there very easily 2 the climate (气候)is warm and there is much rain.
The food that is served is 3 cut into pieces,so there is no need to use knives and forks but,instead,special spoons and forks are used.The Thais 4 to eat with their hands and now there are still some people who eat this way.There is a special 5 of doing it.First they wash their 6 hands in a bowl of water-they only eat with their right hands.They are careful not to let the food 7 the palms (手掌心) of their hands.After the meal,the 8 are again carefully washed.
The meal usually has several different dishes.They are all hot.They are served in bowls which everyone shares(共享),9 each person has their own bowl of 10 .As Thailand has a long coastline,it is not surprising that fish and shellfish play an important part in Thai cooking..
英语翻译When you are invited to a meal in Thailand(泰国),the words
当你被邀请参加在 Thailand(泰国) 的一顿饭时,邀请的话是说来这里并且吃米饭.事实上,几乎所有的泰国菜都1为饭,是因为增长饭(这里不好翻译,你意会哈)那里很容易2 ,气候是温暖多雨.送来的的食品3已经切成块,所以无须使用刀叉,但是,4使用了特殊的汤匙和叉子.吃的时候用自己的双手.现在有泰国人仍然有人吃饭这种方式.特别5的做这件事的时候,首先他们6在碗水中洗手,他们吃的时只用他们的右手.他们注意不要让自己手中的手掌 (手掌心) 的 7 的食物.饱餐之后,8 再次仔细洗净.这顿饭通常有几种不同的菜.它们都热.它们都是在碗里,大家都 shares(共享),每个人都有自己的 10 碗.泰国有漫长的海岸线,因为它不是令人惊讶的是鱼和贝类发挥在泰国烹饪中的重要组成部分...