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英语翻译Case Study:StrongabuiltStrongaBuilt is a company that ma

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:40:28
Case Study:Strongabuilt
StrongaBuilt is a company that manufactures office furniture,in particular filing cabinets.John Strong,the Managing Director and owner of StrongaBuilt,has been struggling to keep his business problems from exploding.An interview by a consultant has revealed the following:
1.John is pleased with the calibre of his staff; they are a dedicated ‘bunch’.He has noticed,however,inconsistencies in their methods.He feels under constant pressure to travel to the branches around Australia to help solve problems.
2.Cathy,his wife,is in charge of all the administration staff.She is fighting a mountain of paperwork since the introduction of the GST and the subsequent compliance issues required by the government.Cathy feels there is something wrong with office staff in NSW.The office manager in Sydney sounds worried.They have had some products returned by a customer lately.Cathy was going to ring the customer concerned but doesn’t have the time.Cathy also feels John is working all the time and has no time for her.She is worried whether they will ever be able to retire.
3.Steve is the state manager for Queensland.He is considering leaving,although he has told the consultant this in confidence.Steve can’t take the pressure.He has a young family,and a mate in a similar role with another organisation earns more.Steve constantly has to handle pricing issues.Recently one of Steve’s customers,West Queensland Office Supplies,with whom Steve has an outstanding relationship,confided that they are moving their business to StrongaBuilt’s Sydney branch.Steve followed up on this news and was told that StrongaBuilt’sQueensland branch was too expensive.Steve could not believe it.Both branches produce the same products using the same materials.He has informed John,but John sees no problem so long as Strongabuilt retains the sale.
4.Chuan is a metal worker in Sydney who won the national award for best worker ‐ an incentive scheme introduced by the firm.Chuan is very proud of his workmanship.
Chuan has confided to the consultant that the materials currently sourced in Sydney are of lower quality than when he first started three years ago.
5.StapleWorks is a long standing customer of StrongaBuilt in NSW.As part of the consultant’s review they were contacted.Mario,the manager,said John is a great bloke.He has been dealing with him for 20 years or more.Mario says the standard of product has fallen.The filing cabinets drawers do not run smoothly and there are a number of rough edges.His staff recently cut their fingers in moving the cabinets into the display room.
英语翻译Case Study:StrongabuiltStrongaBuilt is a company that ma
Case Study: Strongabuilt
StrongaBuilt is a company that manufactures office furniture, in particular filing cabinets.
Strongabuilt 是一家生产办公家具的公司,尤以生产档案柜为主.
John Strong, the Managing Director and owner of StrongaBuilt, has been struggling to keep his business problems from exploding. An interview by a consultant has revealed the following:
Strongabuilt的总裁兼公司所有者,约翰 斯特朗一直以来都在苦苦努力,不让公司的问题发作,一个顾问对他的访谈揭露了一下几点:
1. John is pleased with the calibre of his staff; they are a dedicated ‘bunch’. He has noticed, however, inconsistencies in their methods. He feels under constant pressure to travel to the branches around Australia to help solve problems.
2. Cathy, his wife, is in charge of all the administration staff. She is fighting a mountain of paperwork since the introduction of the GST and the subsequent compliance issues required by the government. Cathy feels there is something wrong with office staff in NSW. The office manager in Sydney sounds worried. They have had some products returned by a customer lately. Cathy was going to ring the customer concerned but doesn’t have the time. Cathy also feels John is working all the time and has no time for her. She is worried whether they will ever be able to retire.
3. Steve is the state manager for Queensland. He is considering leaving, although he has told the consultant this in confidence. Steve can’t take the pressure. He has a young family, and a mate in a similar role with another organisation earns more. Steve constantly has to handle pricing issues. Recently one of Steve’s customers, West Queensland Office Supplies, with whom Steve has an outstanding relationship, confided that they are moving their business to StrongaBuilt’s Sydney branch. Steve followed up on this news and was told that StrongaBuilt’sQueensland branch was too expensive. Steve could not believe it. Both branches produce the same products using the same materials.
He has informed John, but John sees no problem so long as Strongabuilt retains the sale.
4. Chuan is a metal worker in Sydney who won the national award for best worker ‐ an incentive scheme introduced by the firm. Chuan is very proud of his workmanship.
Chuan has confided to the consultant that the materials currently sourced in Sydney are of lower quality than when he first started three years ago.
4. 悛 是悉尼分公司的金属加工工人,他曾经荣获了“国家最佳工人大奖”的殊荣,这也是公司引进的员工激励机制.悛 对自己的技艺十分自豪,他向这个顾问透漏说,目前悉尼分公司出产的材料要比他三年前刚刚开始工作时的质量差得多.
5. StapleWorks is a long standing customer of StrongaBuilt in NSW. As part of the consultant’s review they were contacted. Mario, the manager, said John is a great bloke. He has been dealing with him for 20 years or more. Mario says the standard of product has fallen. The filing cabinets drawers do not run smoothly and there are a number of rough edges. His staff recently cut their fingers in moving the cabinets into the display room.
5. Stapleworks是Strongabuilt在新南威尔士州的一个长期客户,作为该报告的一部分,这个顾问也与Stapleworks公司取得了联系. 马力欧是Stapleworks公司的经理,他说约翰是一个了不起的家伙,他已经和约翰做了二十多年的生意了.不过他说Strongabuilt公司生产的产品质量下降了,他们生产的档案柜上的抽屉在滑动的时候不是很顺畅,而且通常还会有好几处没有刨光的的棱角.最近,他公司的好几个员工就在把档案柜搬到展厅的过程中把自己的手指给割伤了.