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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 23:27:49
爱你们的 Eland
Dear Uncle Paul, Ms. Kell:
Eland and her family member give regards to you.
I have a sad news to have to tell you, day before yesterday, my father's blood younger sister died.On at this matter first three months, my father's elder brother had also died, this year, he has simultaneously lost two family members.We very are all sad, but most sad is the father.Because that died human on likely father's hand and foot.
Well, the life is so short, regardless of is sad, is joyful, we in front of God are that weak.We should treasure doubly also in we side person.
I had said, the language how is limited, even if says the identical language, also very difficult to express the innermost feelings the idea, much less, we were saying the different language.Previous time saw your situation, imagines compared to me must again too bad somewhat, oh, I am that intense want to express the innermost feelings the idea, but I always lack that a courage.
I have very many speeches to want to say with you, even if is some immaterial speeches.For instance, you like the movie? For instance, how Ms. is Kell the executor handicraft? (Because these bookmarks and card very are really beautiful), but also for instance, what place do you also want to go to China's? Ha oh, if you want, we hoped can understand opposite party.
ViVi receives your incoming letter, we have also given the picture Cookmama, feels relieved, we very are all good.
No matter how, you do want to take care the body, God blesses you!
Dear Eland
英语翻译(这封情感比较丰富,希望高手能帮我翻译的精美一些,能表达原意.)亲爱的Paul叔叔、Kell女士:Eland和她 英语翻译帮忙翻译下面这段话,希望语气能够委婉一点,因为是我求别人,让别人听起来能舒服一些!亲爱的张女士你好!我可以问问关 英语翻译下面三句是出自同一篇文章的,将的是比较石器、纸和剪刀哪个是最伟大的发明,里面有几句话读不懂,希望高手能帮我翻译一 请英语高手帮我回复这封来信,只要能讨她喜欢就行 哪位英文高手能帮我搜罗一些比较有名的英文品牌名,要我们比较熟悉的,比如雪碧、百事、海飞丝诸如此类.希望有中英文对照. 哪位高手帮忙翻译一下“羡慕嫉妒恨”的英文怎么表达,最好能贴近原意. 英语翻译“把我的梦摇醒了,宣布幸福不会来了.”希望高手能帮我翻译的好看些. 英语翻译西城的这首歌里有一句不会翻译,希望高手能帮我.这句是Without a reason for living,a 英语翻译我很笨,希望有人能帮我准确的翻译这几句话成英语,亲爱的,再见了,这一刻,我的心碎了!你真的不再回头看我了,上网也 英语翻译亲爱的李丽我的外婆最近生病了,我要和我的父母去看望她吗?你能帮我照顾我的表妹吗?她很听话,你只要引她去玩就可以了 英语翻译帮我翻译这一句话成英语,“希望你所做的选择,真的能让你开心,月会圆,人会变,我没办法让你转变,那么,我说:亲爱的 英语翻译我的女朋友前一段时间说要和我分手,我在万般无奈之下发了一封邮件,希望能最后打动她.她今天给了我答复,让我晕死的是