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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 01:25:51
One morning Mr Hilton 41 in the country and looks for a small 42 .When he sees an old woman 43 the side of the road,he 44 his car and says to the old woman,“I want to 45 the Moon Hotel.Do you know it?” “Yes,”the old woman says,“I’ll show you the way.”She gets 46 Mr Hilton’s car and they drive about twelve miles.When they come to a small 47 ,the old woman says,“Stop here.”Mr Hilton stops and looks at the house.“ 48 this isn’t a hotel,”he says to the woman,“ 49 ,”the old woman answers,“This is my house.And I’ll show you the way to the hotel.Turn round and go 50 nine miles.Then you’ll find the hotel.” ( )41.A.is coming B.is driving C.is walking D.is going
( )42.A.restaurant B.school C.hotel D.library ( )43.A.on B.in C.near D.along ( )44 A.opens B.stops C.leaves D.closes ( )45.A.know B.look C.find D.see ( )46.A.into B.on C.off D.un ( )47.A.country B.hotel C.room D.house ( )48.A.And B.So C.But D.Then ( )49.A.No B.Yes C.Good D.Right ( )50.A.to.B.back C.again D.off学习快英语天才进
41. B: 由上下文知希顿先生是在乡下开车行驶
42. C:由上下文知其在找旅馆
43. A:在路边用on
44. B:停车问路
45. C: 找旅馆
46. A:此题容易混淆,要注意习惯搭配get on the bus (train...); get off the bus(train...) get into the car, get out of the car因为轿车比较狭小
47. D:上下文
48. C: 表转折"但它不是个旅馆"
49: A: 此处相当于一个反义疑问句的答句 的省略形式, 补充完整的句子应该是"No, it isn't.",翻译的时候要注意,得译成" 对,它不是(旅馆)". 详情可参照"反义疑问句的用法"
50.B: "Turn round"调头,故这里表达的意思是要"往回开",选B.