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英语翻译翻译:A birthday party Today is Jane's birthday.Jack,Tony a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 22:24:52
翻译:A birthday party Today is Jane's birthday.Jack,Tony and Wendy have a birthday party for Jane.Jack has got a recorder.He can play it well.Wendy can play the violin.Tony can't play the violin or the recorder.He buys a storybook for Jane likesit very much.They sing,dance andplay.They are very tired,but they are happy.
英语翻译翻译:A birthday party Today is Jane's birthday.Jack,Tony a
再问: 嗯
再问: Thank you.
再答: You'er welcome
再问: 还有一个问题。
再问: 能问你么?
再问: 翻译:《The cat and the mouse》This is a cat.She is sleeping in her basket.That's a mouse.It is very hungry.It is eating the cat's food.The cat is angry.She is chasing the mouse.The mouse is afraid.The mouse is running.It is on the window.The cat is jumping.The mouse is in the hole.the cat can't catch it.The mouse is happy.The cat is very angry and tired.
再问: It is very hungry.是什么意思?
再问: It is eating the cat's food.是什么意思?
再问: The mouse is running.是什么意思?
再问: The cat is jumping.The mouse is in the hole.是什么意思?
再问: The cat is very angry and tired.是什么意思?
再问: 快点
再答: 这只猫又饿又累
再答: 额
再答: 全文么
再答: 错了。。是猫很生气
再问: 嗯,全文
再答: 你在做作业么。。。
再问: 嗯,英语作业
再答: 。。。
再答: 《猫捉老鼠》这有一只猫。她睡在篮子里。一只老鼠很饿,它就吃猫的食物。猫很生气。她追着老鼠。老鼠害怕的跑了。它跑到窗户上,那只猫也跳上去。老鼠跑进洞里。猫抓不到它。老鼠很开心。猫很生气,很累。
再答: 娃娃。。你自己做吧
再答: 不会可以用百度翻译的
再问: 哦