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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 19:17:17
人类进入工业文明后为社会创造了前所未有的价值和成就但也使地球环境急剧恶化,造成了全球性的环境污染和生态破坏对人类的生存和发展构成了巨大的威胁.人类不应以破坏生态环境、浪费资源为代价追求高速的经济发展,为顺应可持续发展的战略,环境绩效审计被提上日程.本文概述了我国政府环境绩效审计理论研究、必要性和可行性,并在此基础上通过案例剖析了我国环境绩效审计存在的问 题,同时提出了解决和强化我国环境绩效审计的措施.
After humans steped into the industrial civilization, they have created unprecedent value and achievement for the society. However, they also make the environment deteriorate sharply, caused global environmental pollution and ecological destruction, which in return poses a colossal threat to humans' survival and development. Humans should not blindly pursue high speed economic development for the price of damaging the ecological environment and wasting natural resources. In order to adapt to the sustainable development strategy, environmental performance auditing has been put on the agenda. This paper sketches out the theoretical research,necessity and feasibility of environmental performance auditing of the government. And on this basis, it analyzes the existing problems of environmental performance auditing through cases , and in the meantime, puts forward some measures of solving and strengthening the environmental performance auditing in our country .