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What time of year do you think this picture was taken?请问这句语法

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:语文作业 时间:2024/09/19 14:16:47
What time of year do you think this picture was taken?请问这句语法该怎么分析?
What ,time,of ,year,分别都做什么成分呢?
do助词 you主语 think谓语 this picture was taken宾语从句,
What time of year do you think this picture was taken?请问这句语法
不能把这个句子理解成:主句do you think +宾语从句this picture was taken.
其实,这是一个复合特殊疑问句.其结构为:疑问词(组)+do you think +陈述句?
do you think 插入语.
What time of year this picture was taken?是句子主干
其中:What time of year 是疑问词组作时间状语.
this picture 是主语.
was taken 是谓动,
本来,单独的特殊问句应用疑问语序,即:What time of year was this picture taken?
但加了插入语do you think 后,后面部分就要用陈述语序.