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急求计算机专业文章翻译Additive interpolation-error expansion

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/20 10:56:49
急求计算机专业文章翻译Additive interpolation-error expansion
Abstract—Watermarking embeds information into a digital signal like
dio, image, or video. Reversible image watermarking can restore the
iginal image without any distortion after the hidden data is extracted.
this paper, we present a novel reversible watermarking scheme using
interpolation technique, which can embed a large amount of covert
ta into images with imperceptible modification. Different from previous
atermarking schemes, we utilize the interpolation-error, the difference
tween interpolation value and corresponding pixel value, to embed bit
” or “0” by expanding it additively or leaving it unchanged. Due to
e slight modification of pixels, high image quality is preserved. Exper-
ental results also demonstrate that the proposed scheme can provide
eater payload capacity and higher image fidelity compared with other
ate-of-the-art schemes.
Index Terms—Additive interpolation-error expansion, data hiding, inter-
lation-error, reversible watermarking.
急求计算机专业文章翻译Additive interpolation-error expansion
概要---将水印信息嵌入数字信号, 例如 声音(audio 原文), 图像,或者 视频。 可逆转的图像水印,在提取隐藏信息之后,可以无损还原信息(ignal 假定 signal)图像。 在这篇论文中,我们提出一个使用“插值技术”的新型可逆转水印方案,它可以毫无察觉的在图片中大量嵌入的转换数据(convert data 原文)。与此前的水印方案(atermarking schemes 假定是 watermarking schemes)不同的是,我们使用“插补误差”(插入值和相对应的像素值的差), 通过”加“或者保留原始值将”数位“ (“bit”不知道中文叫什么)转换成 “1”(残缺不整, 我感觉是 1)或者”0“。 因为对像素的调整很小,所以图像的高质量得以保留。实验结果 ( Exper-ental 不完整 感觉是 experimental )也证明我们提出的方案相比其他高水平方案(ate-of-art->state of art),可以提供更大的(eater->greater)荷载能力和更高的图片保真度。
索引-附加插补误差扩展(字面翻译), 数据隐藏,插补误差(找到原文inter-polation-error), 可逆转水印。
Watermarking embeds information into a digital signal like
audio, image, or video. Reversible image watermarking can restore the
original image without any distortion after the hidden data is extracted.
In this paper, we present a novel reversible watermarking scheme using
an interpolation technique, which can embed a large amount of covert
data into images with imperceptible modification. Different from previous
watermarking schemes, we utilize the interpolation-error, the difference
between interpolation value and corresponding pixel value, to embed bit
“1” or “0” by expanding it additively or leaving it unchanged. Due to
the slight modification of pixels, high image quality is preserved. Exper-
imental results also demonstrate that the proposed scheme can provide
greater payload capacity and higher image fidelity compared with other
state-of-the-art schemes.
polation-error, reversible watermarking