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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 14:29:04
我们应该如何实现中国梦?首先,我们要 坚定理想信念、练就过硬本领、勇于创新创新 。作为新时代的年轻人,努力通过自身的学习实践活动锻炼增强本领,学习好科学文化知识,并将所学的运用到实践中,为逐步实现小康社会付诸行动,实现自我人生价值。 其次,明确个人目标,成就自身价值。作为年轻人,要满怀激情,敢于担当,敢于创造,用目标激励自己顽强奋斗、艰苦奋斗、不懈奋斗,奋勇投身中国特色社会主义事业伟大实践。 最后,勇于创新,在创新中发展。时代在变迁,社会在进步,陈旧的思想已经适应不了只要广大青年胸怀理想,只有创新才能实现我们的梦想,最终实现民族复兴。
The Chinese Dream is a dream shared by all the people of China, it's a dream that's going to last to the end of time, it's also a dream that every Chinese spend their whole life trying to accomplish.
The Chinese Dream is the grand reform of our tribe. Prosperous lives, advantagous education, efficient job occupation, understandable house rates, and an environment that bears sustainable development are all parts that make up a Chinese Dream.
How to we achieve it? First, we'll need to stand firm on our ground when it comes to beliefs and ideal, develop ourselves toward preserverance and talent, and be audacious when it comes to creations and innovations. As the young bloods of a new age, we should work hard to develop ourselves toward the climax of honor and talents through learning, studying hard on science cultural knowledge, and put what we learned into real life. We will work hard for our country's evolution towards an affluent society by embodying the value in ourselves. Also, we have to nail down our personal goals, proving ourselves to be worthy for the improvement of our country. As the youngsters, we will be spiritual, couragous to stand up for our mistakes, and daring on challenging authorities. We will use our aspiration to inspirite us to persistently strive, and to always be adventurous on our road towards success. At last, we shall be valiant enough to brave the area that haven't been discovered by our forefathers, progressing ourselves in the same time. The time is changing, the society is advancing, old-fashioned notions would not be able to fulfill the dreams of the new bloods. Only by innovating shall we be able to resuscitate our tribe!
All in all, we would have to work hard, be audacious, truthful, and inventive to achieve our Chinese Dreams!