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一道高二英语阅读题,Some schools are offering pupils chocolate and rel

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 01:19:14
Some schools are offering pupils chocolate and relaxation rooms to reduce exam stess.But exam relation ways in general are still “hit-and-miss”,according to researchers.They argue that parents and teachers are putting the wrong kind of pressure on teenagers and it is having a harmful influence on them.
The study analyzed the link between teacher and parent behavior and the anxiety levels of 175 students.They also examined the stress level of 224 pupils and compared ( it ) with their exam results.It found that higher anxiety levels usually lead to lower scores.Hpwever,some schools are changing this by attempting to reduce exam pressures.
Researcher Dr.Dave Putwain said:“I know of one school that gives anxious children chocolate and a pat on the head immediately before an exam.Pupils at another school I have visited can spend some time in a relaxtion room that has soft lighting,comfortable furniture and comforting sounds.”
The researchers argue that teachers need to change the messages they give teenagers.“What we’ve found certainly is that a level of stress is increased by certain sorts of teaching practices that focus on fear of failure and parental pressure,” he said.
Teachers often focus on telling pupils that if they fail to get good scores,they will not get a job,or be able to go to college.Instead they should focus on the benefits of learning,Dr.Putwain added.
He said the research showed relaxation exercises could help pupils if they were offered far enough in advance of exams.
“In general the stress-reducing ways that schools use are very hit-and-miss.Idon’t think there is much understanding that many teachers could reduce their pupils’ anxiety levels by adjusting their own practice.”
“They might also improve their pupils’ performance in the process.Exam stress may not always have a big influence on exam scores but it can make the difference between grade and the next.”
1.According to the first paragraph,exam relaxation ways are ( ) .
A:very effective
B:completely unnecessary
C:far from satisfying
D:a total failure
2.The insertion of bracket (加括号)word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to ( ).
A:teacher’s and parent’s behavior
B:stress-reducing way
C:relaxation exercise
D:stress level
3.What does Dr.Putwain mainly talk about in paragragh 3
A:He offers some relaxation methods.
B:He introduces two good schools to us.
C:He tells us two examples on reducing stress.
D:He forces schools to take action immediately.
4.From the last but one paragraph ,we know that teachers don’t realize that ( ).
A:they can change their own practice to reduce students’ anxiety
B:they can provide students with enough relaxation exercises
C:they can help students get better scores in advanced exams
D:they can make a big difference to every student
一道高二英语阅读题,Some schools are offering pupils chocolate and rel