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英语:Fool as Jerry is,he could not have done such a thing.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 02:44:59
英语:Fool as Jerry is,he could not have done such a thing.
Fool是不是倒装,正常语序:as Jerry is Fool
英语:Fool as Jerry is,he could not have done such a thing.
只是将本应在 is 后作的表语提到句首了:前置 (fronting).
凡是违背上述原则的:(部分/助动词)谓语动词 + 主语:倒装.
当 as- 引导“让步状语从句”时,要前置:虽然……尽管……但……= although-/though-
Although Jerry is a fool,he .(不可前置)
= Though Jerry is a fool,he...
= Fool though Jerry is,he...(Not:A fool though Jerry is,he.) (可正常语序、可前置)
= Fool as Jerry is,he...( Not:A fool as Jerry is,he...) (必须前置)
前置时的可数、单数名次前的 a/an 要去掉!
网友 study_forlong的说法有误:
"正常语序是:As Jerry is a fool ," = Because/ As / Since.引导原因状语从句:因为,由于……
这个句子不等于:Fool as Jerry is,he...虽然……不太聪明但他也不会干那样(愚蠢)的事.
再问: 大侠,你的英语厉害呀,但我实在不能区分倒装与前置,反正都把后面的东西拿到前面,能否指点
再答: 倒装分两种: 全部倒装:就是把整个“(谓语)动词”挪到 “主语”前,如 “...came + the teacher." 1. In came the teacher. 而本应该说: = The teacher came in. 更多的情形是:部分倒装,即属于谓语的一部分的 "助动词”挪到主语前,但谓语部分的"主要动词“仍然留在主语后面”: 引起部分倒装的前置词/短语(e.g. Never)+ 助动词( have) + 主语 (I)+ 谓语主要动词(seen) + 其他…… 2. Never have I seen such a wonderful movie. =I have never seen such a wonderful movie. Never ,本身在此也是典型的 “前置”修辞法,本应在句子中间的,但为了强调,提到句首,并引起部分倒装。 记住:前置并不一定导致(部分)倒装! 有的是前置并引起(必须)倒装; 多数是单纯的前置。 e.g. I go to the cinema sometimes. Sometimes I go to the cinema. (单纯的前置,不引起倒装) 记住: 主语是 No.1 + 谓语(动词)No.2的,正常语序。 (前置部分)+ 主语老大+ 谓语(动词)老二的:正常语序。 明白了?