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求英语演讲稿 speak out my dream 和my china dream

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 21:25:49
求英语演讲稿 speak out my dream 和my china dream
求英语演讲稿 speak out my dream 和my china dream
《my china dream》
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and gentlemen:
With great honor to stand here,in front of you,Today my topic is 《I'm Chinese》 ! When I was born, my parents told me, I am a Chinese, is a descendant of Huang, inheritors of Chinese culture.When I gr0w up, my grandpa tells me, China has an aera of 9,600,000 square kilometers, which is alike a head of cock to stand in the east of the world .From now on ,these two words with shining golden light -----" China", memorizing in my heart with the print of eternal record. When I began to go to school, hoping the The Five-Starred Red Flag rises in the sky gradually, filled up with the kindness in my heart, filled up with heavenliness , and filled up with my profound love to her. Along with the age,I knew that what had happened to my motherland and her scar is filled with clusters of exertion ,with her struggle without stops. In all developed nations for now, the speed of the fastest developed country is not as nearly as China, why?Because there is a great Communist Party in China, because the socialism is a great progress in society, it has the strong vitality and great prospects.Take a wide view of the history , take a view of the world-wide locations, the thriving source of vitality that a performance of socialism has come out, who can match with it? Needless to say,the communist leads the Chinese people to stand up, and needless to say China feeds 7% of the land in world to share 22% of the population in the world, needless to say ,our comprehensive national strength is strong in the whole world , only in a city,for example, looking at the buildings of the row upon row, you have to admire the Communist Party of China leads Chinese people to obtain the achievement that the whole world focus on,which is a shock. The development of China make the world shock, also being good enough to conceive the people of this world , otherwise why most nations support one inside country policy, why Chinese can resist financial crisis …… all these explains a point- China is increasing.As the country is strong, so someone predict THAT THE 21 centuries will be in the Chinese world.I firmly believe that THE Communist Party will lead our country to stand itself in the world! When the five starred red flag rises IN Beijing OLYMPIC GAMES last year gradually, the emotional and clear national anthem rings out in the ear side, I have a kind of impulse, a kind of sacred feeling, a kind of surge in emotion, which I can't express myself in this speech .Because the pride and solemn is called----”My Chinese heart".I’m a Chinese! Let us use our hands to make up the future of our country more and more prosperous!Dear friends,as a member of QTUQC,LET US work together TO build up the more brilliant FUTURE,AND MAKE IT more glorious!Finally,Let us sing the song together: 《 Love my China 》!
再问: 有没有有中文啊,还有,那一片有吗
再答: 各位老师,各位同学: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《爱我中华》! 当我呀呀学语的时候,爸爸妈妈告诉我,我是一个中国人,是炎黄的子孙,龙的传人。懂事的时候,爷爷告诉我,拥有960万平方公里,像一头雄鸡傲立于世界东方的大国就是中国。从此“中国”这两个金光闪闪的大字,在我的心中烙上了永恒的印记。 上学后,望着鲜艳的五星红旗在空中冉冉升起,我的心中就装满了亲切,装满了神圣,也装满了对祖国妈妈那份深深的爱。随着年龄的增长我才慢慢知道发生在祖国母亲身上所有的故事,才知道她的伤痕累累和自强不息。 在现在所有的发达国家中,发展最快的国家其发展速度也远不及中国,为什么?因为中国有伟大的中国共产党,因为社会主义相对于资本主义是一个伟大的进步,它有着强大的生命力和远大的前途。无论纵观历史上下,还是横观世界各地,社会主义中国所表现出来的勃勃生机,谁能与之抗衡? 且不说共产党带领中国人民站起来了,且不说中国以占世界7%的土地养活了占世界22%的人口,也不说综合国力由最后到世界前茅,单单是站在一个城市中,看着鳞次栉比的楼群,你就不能不为中国共产党领导下的中国人民取得的举世瞩目的成就所震撼。回想五十多年前那破旧的茅草屋,那战后的废墟,那成百万、上千万的流浪的人群,处处荒凉,处处萧条,处处冷清,凛凛的寒风吹着那屋顶上夭折的干草,面对着眼前这样的情景,谁又能想到几十年后就在这废墟上建起了一座座高楼大厦呢?于是,楼上楼下已不再是幻想,电灯电话也早已变成现实。中国的发展使世界震惊,也足以让世人折服,不然为什么中国能取得联合国的合法席位,为什么大多数国家支持一个中国政策,为什么中国能抵挡住亚洲金融危机……这一切不都在说明一个问题——
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