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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:36:43
由于希腊神话在英美国家影响深远,人们对其中的许多故事和人物了如指掌,他们在口头表达和书面材料中经常借用一些希腊神话中神的名称或者地名等.被借用的词语词形和词义均保持原来的风貌,这样在一定程度上增添了语言的古雅色彩.经常直接借用的词语主要有:the Fates命运之神,由纺织生命线的Clotho、安排命运的Lachesis和剪断生命线的Atropos三位女神组成;the Erinyes复仇女神,由Tisiphone、Megaera和Aleeto三位女神组成;the Muses文艺女神,有主管历史的Clio、主管天文的Urania、主管悲剧的Melpomene、主管喜剧的Thalia、主管舞蹈的Terpsichore、主管史诗的Calliope、主管爱情诗的Erato、主管神灵赞美诗的Polyhymnia 以及主管抒情诗的Euterpe九位女神组成
next,let;s look at some of the examples that the Greek mythology in the English vocabulary was directly borrowed Since Greek mythology in the national impact on Britain and the United States heavely,people in many of these stories and characters become very good expression in the oral and written materials.People often borrow some god in Greek mythology,such as the name or names.Borrowed words - the words and meanings of the original features remain,to a certain extent,this added a quaint language of color.Regular direct borrowing terms are:the Fates god of destiny,the lifeline from the textile Clotho,the fate of Lachesis arrangements and cut the lifeline of the goddess Atropos three components; the Erinyes goddess of revenge,Tisiphone,Megaera and Aleeto Goddess Group 3 % of the Muses literary goddess,for the history of Clio,in charge of astronomy Urania,in charge of the tragedy Melpomene,the competent comedy Thalia,in charge of dance Terpsichore,the competent epic Calliope,Love Poems for the Erato,the gods in charge of the hymns,as well as Polyhymnia Lyrics for the nine goddess of Euterpe