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英语翻译Seen from the world,there is growing evidence that incre

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 00:41:04
Seen from the world,there is growing evidence that increases in temperatures have
caused measurable changes in biodiversity including the distribution,abundance,life
cycles and physiology of a number of plants and animals.Observed changes to
Australian biodiversity consistent with climate change include:more frequent and
intense coral bleaching as a result of high water temperatures,increased numbers of
snow gums growing in sub-alpine meadows in the Australian Alps,and intrusion of
freshwater swamps by mangroves,particularly in the Northern Territory.
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and the Natural Resource
Management Ministerial Council (NRMMC) have both identified biodiversity as a
priority for climate change adaptation.In 2004 the NRMMC released the National
Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan,which sets out a series of adaptation
strategies and actions to minimize the impacts of climate change on biodiversity by
maximizing the capacity of species and ecosystems to adapt to future climates.In
2007,Australia ratified the Kyoto Protocol on climate change,receiving a deserved
standing ovation from Bali climate conference delegates.Australia and Canada said
they were investigating their own nationwide carbon markets,which could link up the
with the European scheme
Hereby local activism is an important contribution to a struggle for a just and
sustainable planet,but the scale of the climate crisis is such that only long-term,
legally binding commitments can make a change.We need a more or less new green
deal for the environment,because of the ever-changing environment and standard.
Australia now appeals to all member nations to set up protect the biodiversity via
technology.All in all,Australia is concerned that the cooperation of the countries in
the United Nations,which contributes to empower the effective solutions to solve the
global problem
英语翻译Seen from the world,there is growing evidence that incre
好长啊 我看了半小时
全世界看来,越来越多的证据表明全球变暖在对生物多样性造成可测量的变化其中包括分布,丰度,生活周期和一些植物和动物的生理等.观测到得符合气候变化对澳大利亚生物多样性的影响有:水温变高引起的更加频繁和激烈的珊瑚褪色,在澳大利亚的阿尔卑斯山亚高山草甸上越来越多的积雪消融,尤其是在北澳洲特别严重的红树林入侵淡水沼泽.澳大利亚政府和自然资源管理大臣理事会( NRMMC )都声明由于气候变化首当其冲的就是生物多样性.在2004年公布的NRMMC全国 生物多样性和气候变化行动计划,其中规定了一系列的策略和措施,通过最大限度地发挥物种和生态系统能力以尽量减少气候变化的影响,以适应未来的气候.2007年,澳大利亚接受京都议定书中关于气候变化,受到了从巴厘岛气候会议的代表给与的他们应得的掌声.澳大利亚和加拿大表示,他们正在调查自己的国家的碳市场,这可能与欧洲国家的计划有联系.
啊 好累呵呵