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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 04:29:15
1:Got up early,after get up very sleepy,came to class before long were asleep,he wanted to sleep in the classroom,as in the dormitory,so also comfortable sleep.In the classroom,lay prone to sleep eyes and bad,easy to cause the short time into myopia,because and can't eat breakfast,time is long on our health can cause harm.
2:Our school school only 7 bus to downtown,to say do taxi again the word too expensive,schools in the suburbs,far away from downtown,spending is too big,it is because only 7 bus,every time when traveling is particularly crowded,crowded,no little space,very uncomfortable.Originally the car won't not carsick,now a sit 7 bus is dizzy.
3.Sanya is a tropical climate,island,is surrounded by water,wind is sea wind,heat is very normal.Throughout the year,very hot,in winter is quite comfortable,the visitors came across the tourism,for the winter,the most outstanding is northeast three provinces of people open their visit to the house car.
4.Sanya from April the early start to rainy season,often of the heavy rain,this does not like other place is very cool,instead more hot!That's not a wind environment,deeply however spirit,like we just coming National Day,he spent the next eleven for seven days of rain,this allows us to be terrified of the rainy season in sanya.So 4 months of sanya out best brought an umbrella oh.
5.Just came to the university of university life,we filled with longing,because so we can get rid of high school life of hard,the university is a 100% of the time all belong to oneself hold place,is because learning less time,after-school self-consciousness is too low,just cause learning achievement dropped substantially,I should make good use of class time and leisure time; class The relationship between study and life in entertainment,adjust good study in learning entertainment!
6.Fall in love?I think everyone came to the university are eager to talk about magnificent and victorious in love,don't know what time from the beginning,has formed a habit,seem like the same,university required relationship is about 90% unrealistic,students should grasp,to themselves and others responsible.
7.Came to the university,many people want to exercise myself,let oneself more independent,later into society can adapt to.Just came to the school,students would buy basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle and all sorts of electrical appliances,do-it-yourself running his own life.History tells us,in an electric equipment must remember with,want to be safe to use,finished to cut off the power supply,reasonable check regularly,in order to eliminate hidden dangers.
还有一段,8.A person out college,parents worry about most is the safety and health of children,most children from the moment into the campus begin learning independence.Unfamiliar environment,strange classmate,we as soon as possible is blended in among them,go out in the outside,we will safety first,pedro,learn to protect themselves in the country less let parents worry.
问题还真多...没了主语,语法错了 然後句子本身也很verbose 语境也错了等等...
1:I got up early; after getting up I was very sleepy. I was sleepy in class even its long I arrived at the classroom, I wanted to sleep as if I was in the dormitory, a comfortable sleep. Sleeping in classroom with arise problems such as myopia in short period of time, and because I can't have breakfast in classroom to keep us alert, it would be harmful in the long run.
2:There are only 7 buses can be taken from downtown to our school. Our school is situated at the suburb, and it would be too expensive to take the taxi. So buses became the only choice; however it's every crowded, and people jostled around all the time. I am not supposed to have car sick but now I feel a little bit dizzy.
再问: 希望高手能够指点,给加分。谢谢!
再答: 3.Sanya Island has a tropical climate, surrounding by sea, with gentle breeze and mild climate. It is a bit hot in the summer, but very cozy in the winter. Tourists come in the winter, riding on private cars to explore the beautiful cities in the northeast. 4.Rainy season starts from April, unlike other places it is very hot rather than cold in heavy rains. That's not a wind environment, deeply however spirit, like we just coming National Day, he spent the next eleven for seven days of rain (這句不太看得懂), We are terrified by the weather, and for four months we have to always bring umbrellas with us. 5.Finally we can get rid of the hard times and be in the university which we had longed for. In university one can manage his time in his favorite, so self-discipline became extremely important. Under the great circumstances of a university, I should learn to be restraint, and balance between leisure and studies.
再问: 你看不懂的那句我想说的是:像我们刚来的时候度过的十一国庆,就下了七天的雨,
再答: For instance, it rained consecutively for an entire week when we first arrived, and it became a rained National Day holiday. 原來是你的作文啊,可不可以把中文給我,不然的話幫你翻的很凌亂,缺乏連貫性.. 8.一个人在外上大学,父母最担心的就是儿女的安全和健康,大多数子女从进入校园的那一刻就开始学习独立。陌生的环境,陌生的同学,我们要尽快融入其中,出门在外,我们要将安全放在第一位,时时刻刻要学会保护自己,少让在他乡的父母担心。 Most students commence their individual study life in university, which arose worries among parents, about their ability to adapt the environment or to get acquaint with their classmates. In order not to worry our parents, we have to always bear in mind that safety is the utmost important thing; learn to protect ourselves from danger is the best way to reassure our parents. 7.来到大学,很多人都想锻炼自己,让自己更独立,以后走向社会能更快的适应。刚来到学校,同学们就买锅碗瓢盆以及各种电器,自己动手经营着自己的生活。历史告诉我们,在用电器时一定要切记,要安全使用,用完要切断电源,合理定期的进行检查,以排除隐患。 University is the stage where students practice their social skills, and learn to be independent, to prepare for future career. Upon arrival, students buy their own necessities and commence their own life. However, in students newly commenced campus life, they should always be careful with the electrical appliances: use them safely, cut off the power when not using, and put them to test regularly. 6.谈恋爱么?我想每个人来到大学都很想谈场轰轰烈烈的恋爱,不知道这是从什么时候开始,就已经形成习惯了,好像就跟必修课一样,大学的恋情90%都是不现实的,同学们应该把握,要对自己和他人负责。 Want to start a relationship? I guess everyone aspire for romance, it seems that romance has became an essential part of campus life. But 90% of relationship on campus are unrealistic. Instead, rather then having ideal chimers, being realistic and responsible are more important.